Chapter 17

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The glass window cracked.


The wrathful, clenched fist attacked. This time the crack on the window stretched itself longer. The maniac fist took a third strike. An instant sharp splash was heard and the glass clattered onto the floor.


Not bothering to look at his brother, Dean focused his fury onto the next window. This time the very first punch smashed the whole glass, the smithereens fell to their demise.

Leo's fingers rubbed against his forehead in frustration.


He looked up to see Dean smash his fist of fury onto yet another window. Leo's face knotted into a gnarl of vexation. Both Dean and he had tried to search, but it was in vain. The women had slipped through their calloused fingers. It was like being slapped with a salmon on the face.

How on hell did those two manage to pull off the stunt before the entire Crew of Soldiers?

Leo had tried to reason with himself that it was some twist of sheer luck. But the truth glared at him at every turn. The fact that Elena had outsmarted his tight and almost formidable fortress of security was a shocker.

Leo treaded his path carefully. This was a side to Dean he had seen only that one time when both Roberto and Liza had decided it was time to listen to Alessandro Bishop and bring his grandson home. A very unpleased fourteen-year-old Dean, had turned the American home he had grown up, into a disaster zone, evident of his rampage. Curtains had been ripped from the windows, porcelain vases were thrown across the room, furniture and settings were overturned. Dean had taken his own baseball bat and smashed it onto the grand piano which still bore the scratches and dents but had withstood its young master's wrath. It had taken his mother's tears and his own father having to wrestle with the son. It had been the only means to an end. Back then, the parents had managed to reign in their son.

Leo grabbed Dean by the shoulders pulling him away from the windows. The attack came faster than Leo had anticipated. Dean broke free by turning around and shoving Leo's chest. The sheer force of Dean's hands sent the ninety-kilogram muscled packed Leo stumbling back, a couple of feet away from Dean.

Dean turned, bloody hand and all, kicked the small oval shaped coffee table nearest to him. The poor table flew across the room, banged onto the opposite wall and fell to the ground with two of its legs completely broken.

"Dean, stop this man! You're breaking every fucking thing in here. None of this shit is gonna bring her back." Leo stalked again, towards his brother. "Dean!"

"What was she thinking, Leo? That she could run from me and I won't find her?" Dean's voice thundered in the otherwise silent room. "She kicked the dirt in my face!" The words exploded as he pointed his bloody finger at his face.


The two young men heard Roberto's voice outside the room, knocking loudly on the locked door.

Leo left Dean alone to open the door. Dean didn't bother to look at who had entered his room. He knew and wasn't in the least caring about what his parents and future mother – in – law had to say to his bleeding hand and to the state of the room. His mind was consumed with thoughts about Elena. She left him tied up in knots with frustrations and a monstrous fit that permeated him from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet.

"Dean honey!" He heard his mother's shriek but still didn't look at her.

She ran towards him and lifted his injured arm. "Roberto, call the doctor, he's bleeding. There might be pieces stuck inside." Her voice was shaky as she saw the glassy eyed look in her son's eyes. Liza held her son's hand, confident he wouldn't remove it from her gentle grip. He didn't. Dean just stood there like a rock, looking ahead into an empty space.

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