Chapter 1

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I woke up to an ordinary day in the boring life of Andrea Perdue. I stretched and yawned. As I did the sun caught on a glimmer of blue on the back of each hand. I screamed with excitement. I had waited my whole life for this moment. My parents ran up the stairs to my attic bedroom to see what was wrong. They both have purple swirls running up both their arms and down their fingers. I held out my hands so they could see. My mother started crying and hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. My twin sister, Amelia, then walked in.

"Emmy, look!" I said and held out my hand so she could see.

"Oh my god!" she said. "Oh my god!!" We hugged for the longest time. Amelia had gotten her swirls on our seventeenth birthday four months ago. Hers are red and so far only cover the back of her hand and part of her fingers. It takes about a year for them to fully appear. "Oh my god, Andrea. this is amazing! We get to go to school together!" She was laughing and crying at the same time and I was too.

Getting your swirls for Magics is what you wait for to become certified. They usually show up between the ages 15 and 17. When you get your swirls you get to join the Haliburton School of Magics where all Magics learn to use their powers. The school year starts in nine days and I was certain I would have to wait until next year and wouldn't be able to attend with Amelia.

If you never get your swirls though, well, they don't actually tell us but it's bad. That happened to our neighbor, Clementius, he was 21 and didn't have his swirls yet (which is the oldest age you can possibly get them) and the Magicops came by and took him away. No one knows what happened to him. Well, that's not true, the highest authorities know and my dad is one of them. But he won't tell us. He says it's for our own safety.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" my mother started to panic. "We have to get you registered and...and we have to get you packed and buy a uniform! What are we waiting for! We have no time to waste!!"

Suddenly we were all hurrying to get dressed and brush our teeth and do my hair (I wanted to just put it in a top knot like I usually do but Emmy and my mom insisted on curling it and pushing it all over to one side) for my certificate and ID photos. Then, we were out the door.

"Okay," my dad said,"First stop, the Hall of Magic to get your certificate, second stop, the Board of Education Sign-Up Center," (Stupid name I know)," and lastly back home to pack, we want to get you girls to school in seven days so you are early enough to get ready for your classesand get settled in."

"Geez, dad, no need to waste your breath, it's not a big deal." okay so it was a big deal and my stomach was doing flip flops and i could barely breathe and I could feel an anxiety attack coming on but i shoved it out of the way, no need to worry my parents anymore then they already were. And I didn't want them to have a meltdown because of me. It was bad enough being the embarrassment of the family.



Sooooo. yeah, I know it's a little con fusing so far but don't worry it'll make sense soon. I hope y'all like it. I might do a backstory chapter or maybe like a prologe we'll see

Stick around, lovelies!!!



A/N 2

Chapter two coming today!!! sorry for not updating!

Hugs!!! Thanks for reading!
Lots of love to all my readers!!!

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