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Diana couldn't take her eyes off of the boy - man, now, actually - in front of her

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Diana couldn't take her eyes off of the boy - man, now, actually - in front of her. Every emotion that she had ever felt around him and every memory with him suddenly flooded her mind and body. She could feel the heat on her lips from when they kissed, the abundance of dopamine when she was around him and the way her stomach knotted up before she had lost her virginity to him. 

     Diana felt her eyes begin to gloss over and turned away from the silver-haired man. She quickly got onto her feet and began to search the crowd for her mother, calling for her loud enough for the older mutant to hear. The younger mutant paused at the top of the hill, looking down the slope at a smaller group of mutants. 

     "Diana!" a woman's voice called from behind her. The dark-haired mutant barely had time to turn around before a body smacked into her and arms wrapped around her.

     The warmth that came from her mother's body was comforting, and Diana fell deep into the hug. Ruby eventually lead her back to the bigger group, where Angel found them. Ruby let her daughter's hand fall away as the male mutant pulled Diana close, resting his mouth against her head as he kissed it. The young woman wrapped her arms around him too.

     Once Angel let her go, Diana looked back towards the X-Mansion. It was nothing more than support beams, ash and debris now. The great mansion that had stood long before any of them had was now nothing. The young James woman felt her stomach drop with the realization that her uncles were nowhere to be found, and they had all been together. Before she could begin another search for them, Hank made his way through the crowd of people. 

     Ruby hugged him briefly, while the younger mutants nodded their heads towards him. Diana also flashed him a quick smile. But Hank didn't return the friendly action. His eyes were fearful, crazed, even. 

     "Has anyone seen Alex?"

     As if it was planned, a shaggy head of blonde hair came up from over the hill. Alex smiled at the group before pushing his sunglasses back into his hair. Before the blonde could get over to them, Hank moved forward faster and pulled him in for a hug. 

     Diana never knew if the two were together... but it sure did seem like it. Ruby had mentioned Uncle Alex having someone before, back when they were the X-Men, but never brought it up again. She also mentioned how he and Hank used to hate each other. There was no telling what changed. Regardless, Diana let the old friends catch up on their own. Angel left to make sure the others were okay and the young woman watched after him.

     "Who's the hot guy?"

     Diana immediately sighed at the question and the person that asked it. The young woman reluctantly turned around to face Peter, who had an amused expression on his face.

     "Angel. My boyfriend."

     "Huh," Peter seemed to almost smile at Diana. "So this is why you had to leave. Your mom's job seems pretty nice here... What's she do, make sure they have power?" 

     Diana's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the silver-haired man. "You knew about that?"

     Before he could answer, the sound of tires kicking up dirt sounded over the lawn. Peter turned to the side, allowing Diana to see a car of her Uncle's full of teenagers pulling up. Raisa was with them and all looked horrified at the state of the house. 

     "What happened?" one of the teenagers asked. If Diana wasn't mistaken, it was Scott Summers, Alex's younger brother. The special, red-tinted glasses helped quite a bit with the relation.

     Before anyone could respond, Diana watched as Raisa jumped from the vehicle and stared at the rubble in horror. 

     "No, no, no..." she mumbled, taking off in a sprint towards where the back of the school would have been. 

     The other teenagers that were in the vehicle followed after her, and the rest of the school looked at each other in confusion. Even more so when the distant sound of rotating fan blades echoed throughout the clearing. Diana squinted her eyes in an attempt to see what the sound was coming from. However, the sun was too bright, causing the young woman to place a hand above her eyes.

     It was a helicopter made out of heavy sheet metal, it looked different from the ones that she had always seen in the movies or on the television. The sound of the fan blades grew louder as the helicopter landed. 

     Many of the mutants moved up closer to see what the uninvited guests were going to do - Diana included. She brushed shoulders with Angel, who grabbed onto his girlfriend's forearm in caution. The Earth-intwined mutant had unknowingly balled her hands into tight fists. That was a huge sign that she was going to use her ground to her advantage.

     "Calm down, mi amor." Angel whispered to the young woman. Diana's body eased on instinct; they had done that routine many times before.

     Once he was sure that she wasn't going to harm anyone, Angel released her arm and the female mutant moved to the front of the crowd. She watched a man exit the helicopter, surrounded by a team of men that wore the same protective uniforms he did.

     An ivory skinned woman with cropped brown hair stepped from between the crowd. She had on a heavy pantsuit and held a badge of some sort in her hand. "Hey! Moira MacTaggert, CIA! Thank God you're here!"

     The man in the center of what was slowly growing to be a large circle only removed his sunglasses. Diana could see the ghost of a smile creeping up onto his lips-

     "Wait!" Raven screamed, though it was too late.

     Diana barely had time to react as a miniature sonic boom raced over the field, a strange, almost-clear wave following it. When it reached her, the dark-haired mutant's body crumpled underneath her and she hit the grass in seconds.

     The man, whose name was William Stryker, watched the school of mutants fall with pride. This was a project months in the making. Who knew that it would be so easy? He traveled through the sea of bodies, pointing out the ones he wanted for testing with ease. He slowed to a stop at the sight of Raven - whose blue scales and fiery red hair were on display for the second time that day.

     Stryker looked down at the woman hesitantly, before clearing his throat. "And her!" 

{Word Count: 1135}

Sorry that you guys had to wait so long for such a gross chapter! In all honesty, I think that having to dissect this movie is making me hate it so much. Which is weird because I've never felt that way. But, then again, Apocalypse could've been a lot better (let's be honest)....

As you can see, the story has become a slight AU because I couldn't bring myself to kill Alex off. The movie did him sheist and this is my fanfic, so I can do what I want. Might have some more planned for my main man too ;)

But anyways, see y'all next update!

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