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     Diana walked down her street quietly while ignoring the glares that her neighbors sent her. It was a miracle that they even got the house, it was far too expensive than what her mother made in a month's worth of paychecks and out of their comfort zone. However, Uncle Charles demanded the best for his family. 

     The raven-haired teenager made it to her door, opening and shutting it quietly. Her mom would have been home after her 18 hour shift, and Diana expected her to be asleep. Instead Ruby was sitting on the couch unpacking the boxes for the living room. 

     "How was school?" she asked, pulling out a snow globe from China. 

     The girl thought of Peter before shrugging, "It was alright." 

     This made the older woman look up at her daughter, a suspicious look on her face. She knew her daughter well and no matter where they moved Diana never said that school was "alright". The teen noticed her mother's expression and asked what was wrong.

     "Who's the boy?" 

     Quirking an eyebrow, Diana denied there being anyone to make her feel less annoyed. There was Peter, but if anything he would annoy her to the point that she hated him. Besides, she had no plans of speaking to him on a regular basis. 

     "Last week you were willing to do anything to stay home, now you're just shrugging like you actually enjoy school. Who are you talking to?" Ruby asked again, only receiving a laugh from her daughter. 

     "I'm not talking to anyone. It's been two weeks, that would be really weird mom." 

     Sending the girl another look, Ruby decided not to press her. Instead she got up and placed the globe on a nearby shelf, "Any trouble?"

     "None, it's been surprisingly easy and stress-free lately." 

     That was a stretch from the truth. If anything some of her teachers and many of her fellow students were bigoted idiots. Majority of them were female and that made Diana wonder if they even realized they were all on their own side of a different fight - gender equality. But that was another talk for another time. 

     "Well I'm glad, we wouldn't want any more avalanches would we?" Ruby looked at her daughter with a slightly playful glint in her eye. 

     "That was the reason we moved from Alaska mom, or any place with snow-capped mountains."

     Before they moved to their current location, their last home was in Alaska. Seward was a gorgeous town as it was small and extremely quiet. Little to no racism too, and that was hard to find. However that didn't mean that the town was completely steered clear from ignorance and Diana was still learning to keep her emotions in check. Long story short someone pissed her off and no more than half an hour later the town was evacuated. 

     Recalling the incident that her daughter caused, Ruby looked down at the ground in shame. If only she had helped her daughter with control... Before she could get too deep into thought she remembered that it was Thursday, and they always cooked those days.

     "Hush up and help me with this dinner little girl." 

     It's Friday, just survive this day and then you're done Dee.

     As much as she told her mom that it was fine, Diana was far from it. She absolutely despised school and no amount of friends were ever going to change that. So the young woman thought it would be smart to give herself a pep talk, mainly to keep from snapping at anybody. She was so deep in thought that Amanda Cassings was practically invisible until the two collided.

     The blonde's coffee went straight into her chest, staining her bright yellow shirt, and her books fell to the floor, bending their pages. 

     "I am so sorry." Diana began to rapidly apologize, something she rarely ever did, as the girl just casually picked up her things. 

     "It's fine, I swear-" she looked down at her shirt. "Damn it I just bought this!"

     "I'll pay for it, how much?" 

     "It's fine, I'll be able to get it out-" 

     "You know what I have another shirt in my bag. You can wear that and my mom can get that stain without a doubt." 

     After a few more exchanges, Amanda finally agreed to take the shirt. Diana stood in the bathroom while waiting for the shirt to be handed to her, anxious at that. She'd be lucky if this girl didn't pull a shitty move and say Diana purposely did it, yet with how they act at this school she wouldn't be surprised if it happened. 

     "Can I ask why you had another shirt?" the blonde's voice made Diana turn around. 

     "You wouldn't believe the things people do to someone like me." 

     Mouthing the words to herself, they clicked after a short while and made Amanda stunned with silence. It was horrible what happened to people of color - there was no arguing that fact. Even years after they get rid of the segregation it still happened and that irritated both of them.

     "I'm Amanda Cassings, you are?" she held out her hand for Diana to shake. 

     After looking down at the girl's extended arm hesitantly, she decided to take it, "Diana James, I'm new." 

     "Well Diana, I'm having a party in a few weeks. You should come, everyone comes, maybe you can meet more of my friends." 

     "I'll consider it." 

{Word Count: 910}

Not much of a chapter, but you get to see mother and daughter react and meet another important character, Amanda. I imagine her as Sasha Pieterse, kind of like Alison from PLL, but if another blonde actress fits her in your mind that's fine. What's your opinion on Amanda anyways? Good intentions and woke or is she too nice?????

Next chapter will be a lot longer, and a lot more action going on. Just a fair warning, things will move somewhat fast, mainly because this is a two part book and I don't want to take things extremely slow so that the first part has 50 parts and the second only 30, besides that's way too long of a book. 

Anyways, see y'all next update. 

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