He stood up and left, just like 7 years ago

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Bubba woke up to the sun shining directly on his eyes, jarring him awake. Sometimes he wondered if that was natures way of waking him up. Seriously, how could the sun shine through his curtain exactly like that and angle in such a way that they were shining directly over his eyes? Maybe the sun is more evil than he already thought.

He got out of bed, his recollection of last night surfacing. He remembered his mom and her terrifying expressions and words, also claiming that she didn’t mean to hurt him or whatever it was she exactly said, he couldn’t remember since it was only 6am. But it was suspicious how with just the mention of Marshall’s name, she flew into a rage and sort of confessed to hurting someone? Bubba felt like there was a tight wad in his stomach, fear and nerves building up. He didn’t like being scared, it reminded him of things he didn’t like.

Pushing the thoughts aside, not wanting to start his day off gloomy, he started getting ready. His attire consisted of a thick black jacket, purple jeans, and a pair of white and black converse and he pretty much just styled his hair like he usually did. He used to be made fun of for the colors he wore, but when he started high school, most people pretty much just stopped caring. And once they found out he was gay, they cared even less, except for those girls who want him as their ‘gay best friend’, which really made Bubba internally cringe.

Once he brushed his teeth and grabbed his bag, he went downstairs to grab a bagel and got in the car with his mom. Before he could say anything, his mom said, “Listen sweetie, I’m sorry for last night. I...I don’t know what came over me. I think I was probably drinking a little too much.” Bubba didn’t really buy it, but he said ‘it’s okay’ and smiled at her.

They drove to school in silence, enjoying the scenery. Well Bubba was at least. He always appreciated the lack of urban decay in this part of the town and all the lush life that seemed to sprout around every corner. But it seemed the closer and closer the got to school, the dirtier everything seemed. Once the car grinded to a halt, Bubba leaned over and hugged his mom, “I love you. I’ll see you later!”

He exited and began walking into school. He talked for a minute with LSP (as he liked to call himself), mainly just LSP dominating the conversation, talking about how completely stupid his parents are and that they need to go die in a fire. But they soon parted ways to head to their lockers, which Bubba was eternally grateful for.

By his locker was Fionna, this time in a jacket and jeans to match the darkening weather. “Hey Fionna, how’s it going?” Bubba asked, opening his locker.

“Really awesome!! Flame Prince and I are going on a date this weekend. How’s it going with you?” She said, now focusing her attention to Bubba, showcasing her usual energized grin.

“Really great! Told my mom about Marshall though and she totally freaked.” Bubba said with an inward sigh, realizing that albeit indirectly, he was talking about Marshall again.

“Wait, you mean you told her he came back or that you like like him?” She asked, her brows raised.

Bubba blushed and frowned, “First off, I don’t like him, no Fionna, I seriously don’t. Don’t look at me like that!” He said, glaring at her as she wiggled her brows suggestively, “I told her he came back but she just went crazy, okay? Geeze no need to be a turd about it Fionna.”

Fionna doubled in laughter, unable to take him seriously when she called her things like ‘turd’. “That was the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time!” She said, wiping a tear from her eye. “It wasn’t meant to be funny...” He grumbled, slamming his locker door shut.

Just as his locker door closed, another opened, which happened to be owned by Marshall Lee. Wearing the same red hoodie from yesterday and jeans just a shade darker, he stepped into view and poked Bubba on the shoulder and leaned forward whispering, “It’s me, your worst nightmare.”

Fionna cracked up again, staring at Marshall’s serious expression, and Bubba’s concerned one. Bubba swirled around and came face to face with Marshall, whose finger was still in the air. “What the hell!? Marshall, back off!” Bubba said, realizing the close proximity, and how he could he could actually smell the minty smell of Marshall's breath.

Marshall raised his hands in the air, as if he was surrendering, “Alright, alright. No need to get your panties in a twist.” Bubba frowned and furrowed his brows, remembering that Marshall used to be less annoying than he currently was.

They walked over to class, now sort of becoming a trio rather than just a duo. Bubba kind of liked it, it made it easier for him because he didn’t always have to talk as much. “Hey Marshall,” Bubba began suddenly, remembering last night, “Did anything ever happen between my mom and yours?”

Marshall tilted his head, thinking for a moment, and said, “Sort of. But nothing important.”

Bubba figured it must’ve been important for his mom to react that way. ‘I think it was pretty important Marshall. I told my mom you returned last night and she totally freaked out.”

Marshall’s expression stayed the same, passive and aloof, and he said, “She has issues then. Nothing really happened so I don’t why she’d freak out.”

It was pretty obvious Marshall was lying, but he decided not to push further at the moment, knowing he would likely be as stubborn as ever and tell him nothing. “If you say so.”

They walked to class, and Fionna introduced herself properly to Marshall, and they talked for a bit, leaving Bubba to remain mainly silent. He reminded himself not to get jealous, considering Fionna was dating someone and Marshall was probably straight anyways. Just like usual. Just like every guy Bubba has ever had a flickering thought about. All straight.

Once they entered class, they sat in the same seats as yesterday, and the teacher got started with roll call. Once they were done, he each assigned them today to do a beginning partnered project, which consisted of pulling out their freshly assigned textbooks, and discussing a passage in one of the chapters. When Bubba turned to ask Fionna to pair up with him, she said, “I already have a partner. You uh...go with Marshall. But be quick, there’s a girl giving him the googly eyes.”

He turned back around, not surprised by her not so subtle matchmaking, and eyed the silver haired girl behind Marshall, with piercings and eyeliner, obviously checking Marshall out. Bubba shifted his gaze to Marshall, who was already staring at him. “Wanna be partners?” Bubba blurted out, nervous under his gaze.

“Sure, just as long as you don't bore me to death and back.” Marshall snickered, obviously satisfied with his joke. Bubba inwardly rolled his eyes and huffed, and with that, they began.

Finally after about 20 minutes or so, they finished the small packet handed out, and Bubba could definitely say he had his work cut out for him here. But deciding to try earliers topic again, he asked, “My mom said she ‘didn’t meant to hurt you’. Do you know what she means by that?”

There was a tense silence until Marshall laughed sourly and said, “Geeze BG, it’s not any of you business, is it?”

Bubba glared at him, and asked with a frown, “It’s my business too. So what happened?”

Marshall simply then stood up and grabbed all his things and left the classroom, apparently deciding he didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Where are you going? Hey, where is he going!?” The teacher asked as he left the classroom. Bubba shrugged, and sighed, feeling a headache coming on. Why did he have to be involved in all of this?


Hi, I want to thank you all so much for my reads/votes/comments, it really means the world to me <3 To be honest, I was totally having a writers block, but when a few people, including Gooble456 commented I felt really excited to continue :) Also I wrote this on 4 hours of sleep (since my dog was being a meanie last night) so I hope it's not too bad! Please tell me if there's anything I can improve, because every bit helps :) Also, sorry if I don't update for a while, my laptop is broken right now and I'm taking it to get repaired tonight, so hopefully I'll get it back soon :/

I Lost Everything For You (Gumlee / Marball)Where stories live. Discover now