The Death of Loneliness

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"So you're telling me you like like Bubba?"


"And you need my help telling him?"


"You are so so hopeless." Fionna sighed, as they walked to cooking class, the last period of their day. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at her, prompting her to ask, "When did you start liking him?"

He racked his brain for a date he could pinpoint when he started having feelings for Bubba...he knew it was before he started dating Ash, so maybe around November? "I dunno, guess a few months. Why?"

"I've heard if you have a crush on someone for more than four months that means you're in love with them," she explained with a sly smile.

He huffed and walked into the class, taking a seat adjacent to Cake, who only that week switched into their class. "I don't see what that has to do with anything Fi, I don't even know if he still likes me back." He slumped onto Cake and groaned, letting his backpack slide off of his shoulder.

"Now what's this all about?" Cake asked, raising a brow as she looked from Marshall to Fionna.

"Marshall finally realized his feelings!" Fionna exclaimed, grinning as she sat across from the two of them, pulling out her phone and muttering, "oh, I just got a text from FP."

"What'd he say?" Marshall mumbled, his words muffled by Cake's thick jacket.

Fionna glanced at the two of them and frowned. "Cake you're gonna suffocate him! Move your jacket!" She then smiled and added, "Oh he was just telling me he'd see me after school."

Cake, processing the conversation, titled her head and asked, "What do you mean Marshall realized 'his feelings'? And I will damn well do as I please, he can move if he wants!" She heard Marshall grumble from underneath her jacket and she pressed it harder into his face until she heard a shriek, followed by a 'let me out' and a 'i'm really going to die Cake' and at that point she shoved her jacket into her backpack and laughed at the look on his face.

"Not cool Cake." He said as he returned to a proper sitting position so he could no longer be assaulted by her thick purple jacket.

"Boy, why don't you shut up!?" Cake countered, crossing her arms over her chest, "and tell me about whatever feelings you got that Fionna mentioned."

Marshall looked over at Fionna and asked defeatedly, "Can you tell her?"

Fionna grinned and said, "Okay, not my fault if I make you sound as pathetic as you really are." She turned to Cake: "So Marshall told me this morning he has feelings for Bubba, and he's known for three months, and he doesn't think Bubba likes him that way anymore, is basically the summary of it."

"Oh dear," Cake looked over at Marshall, "he's really that clueless?"

"Yeah guess so, poor boy got so Ash-blasted he can't even see the truth." Fionna tsked and shook her head, looking at Marshall with utter disappointment.

"Still here you know," Marshall said, his eyebrow twitching, "so don't talk about me like I'm not." Fionna and Cake gave each other a look that was not lost on him, so in response he started glaring at the two of them and asked, "What? Why are you two looking at each other like that?"

"No reason."

"Yeah don't worry about it Marshall Lee. We have a plan."

"Don't worry about what? And what plan?" Fionna winked and turned back to the packet in front of her.

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