Tomlinson~Do You Trust Me? & Threats

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A/N: Listen to What The Hell by Avril Lavigne for Logan's part and listen to  The Dog Days are Over by Florence and The Machine for Louis's part. Also, all the characters are 19, and I'm having a song lyrics contest! Read the author's note at the bottom.   The video to the side was how Luke taught Logan how to hold a bow and arrow.     

Logan Willow Tomlinson

       "Say goodbye to your sanity Logan. Na na, na, na, na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye." Hollis spat as she turned away from me and walked into the airplane.

What the hell has become of my life.

No seriously, I want the answer. Hollis is mad at me, for reasons unknownn, Luke seems happier, and I'm still trying to figure out how to not let my feelings get in the way of the game. Oh yeah, I'm also trying to figure out how to keep my cool, because lucky me got a ticket next to Luke, and he's wearing a tank top.

That's right, a goddamn tank top.He's practically sex on legs right now.

"So Logan..."' Luke trails off.

" Why did you and Hollis really break up?" I ask, and immediately wish I could cover my mouth right after, "Because she's mad at me for no reason, and she really needs to go stuff a tampon up her ass because she's being a real bitch and- I'm rambling again aren't I?" I sigh, looking at Luke helplessly.

"Yeah, you were. Haven't you realized that she kinda always has a tampon up her ass? I told you already, she was a handful! I'm sick of her." Luke eats an apple as he responds.

"She wasn't really your girlfriend, y'know,"

Logan, shut the fuck up. Stop talking, okay?

"She didn't know you were a Special, she doesn't know you're bi, and she sure as hell doesn't know why you broke up with her. And neither do I so, why'd you do it?" I retort, starting to get a bit angry at myself for not shutting up, and Luke for lying.

"Why don't you trust me?" Luke doesn't even look at me, and I can hear a piece of my heart breaking.

"I do it's just-"

"No, you don't Logan. If you really did, you wouldn't be asking all these questions." Luke cuts me off.

Oh! There goes another piece of my heart! Logan, you have a temper like fire. Stop now.

"What's so wrong with the questions? I know you're lying to me, you bit your lip, something you always do when you lie." I cross my arms.

Great, now you made yourself sound like a stalker.

"You know what Logan? I've known about your little crush on me, and frankly I thought it was cute. I was going to date and dump you, so you could get over it, but now? Now I realize that you're a little stalker freak that knows my every move! Weirdo, creep, stalker, freak , that's all you are. You're insane Logan, insane."

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