Chapter 16

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Sandy woke up at the sound of the door opening, and she rolled her head to the side. But she saw only the door opening. Kyle’s sleeping form hid the rest of the door and whoever was coming in.

She lifted her head, and Emmett raised his hand, offering her a close mouthed smile along with his friendly wave. “No worries, just checking up on you before I go to Donald’s house.”

“Shouldn’t we get up?” Sandy asked.

Trisha stirred, rolled over and mumbled, “God, not now, Mom.”

Emmett chuckled and then waved again for Sandy to stay down. “Take your time. I’ve gone out while you slept to pick up supplies. There’s a pot of coffee brewing in the kitchen, and a box of donuts.”

“But how do you go out?” Sandy asked. “Surely you must have to wear some sort of disguise.”

“Nope, I shop at Wal-Mart.” Emmett’s smile grew, threatening to become a grin. “At 4 AM, I pretty much blend in with the others.”

He waited through Sandy’s laughter and hooked a thumb back at the door. “So, I’ll just head out.”

“But the sun is just rising,” Sandy said.

Emmett slipped on a pair of a dark Ray Bans and grinned. “So what makes you think that’s a problem?”

Sandy returned his smile, and then waved him off. He shut the door, and she flopped her head back on her pillow. Staring at the ceiling, she reflected on what a bizarre month she was having. Just three weeks before, she was the most unusual person she knew. But then she’d learned that while she was unique, she was far from extraordinary.

Now she lay in a vampire’s guest room, a werecat dozing on either side of her while she awaited the arrival of a warlock. Only two weeks before, she’d been running for her life after the death of her mother.

Thinking of Velma brought a heavy wave of emotions, and even fighting against their pull, Sandy began to cry. Her soft huffing woke up Kyle, who rolled on his side and brought up a hand to dry her cheeks. Then he pulled her into a loose embrace and stoked the back of her neck.

Behind her, Trisha woke up, hummed through a yawn, and then rolled over. She closed a hand over Sandy’s shoulder, and then pecked a kiss on the back of her ear.

“You okay?” Trisha asked.

Sandy nodded, turning her head to offer Trisha a thin smile. “I am. I just started thinking of Mom.”

“Oh, well that’s okay, then.” Trisha relaxed and rolled onto her back, at the same time scooting up to prop herself on the headboard. “I could kill for some coffee.”

“Emmett says he made some in the kitchen,” Sandy said.

“Fantastic,” Trisha said, already rolling out of bed. “You two stay cozy. I’ll be back with fortifications.”

Sandy watched her leave, and then looked at Kyle. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“For letting me cry.”

Kyle’s mouth drew up in a smile. “What a strange thing to thank me for.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” Sandy sniffled, and then rested her forehead on Kyle’s chest. It was only then that she peered down under the covers and made a brilliant observation. “Oh, you’re naked.”

“I am, yes.” Kyle made an embarrassed laugh. “I tried to tell you last night, but you were already asleep.”

“Well dang, I missed the strip show.” Sandy sighed and leaned her head back to smile at Kyle. “It’s a waste, isn’t it?”

Sandy Morrison and the Pack of PussiesWhere stories live. Discover now