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Family Issues

For the last four hours, well into the night, there had been nothing but shouts, screams, and death threats in the mayor's mansion. More plates were broken, loud sobs were heard, and everyone had forgotten about the steak dinner Hook had cooked, which offended him more than anything.

"What the fuck do you mean you're pregnant?!" Regina screamed at Evelina. The poor young blonde cried as she was scolded by everyone.

"I'm sorry!" Evelina wailed but her apologies went unheard.

"How do you even know what sex is?! Who told you?!" David yelled and Evelina just cried harder.

"Are you sure? Absolutely sure you are, uh... With a child?" Emma asked as she couldn't bring herself to admit Evie was pregnant. The thought made her head hurt. Evelina nodded.

"I took a couple of tests. They're all positive and Doctor Whale-"

"MY BABY GIRL IS PREGNANT, NO!" Snow sobbed loudly and that set everyone off again in a screaming match. Even Baby Neal began to cry along with everyone.

Henry noticed a sheet of ice beginning to form over the dinner table. He glanced around and saw small snowflakes beginning to float down from out of nowhere. Evelina's powers were about to get out of hand and Henry knew he had to calm Evelina down before it got too crazy to control.

"It's not Evelina's fault, okay! She's scared and you're scaring her more than those pregnancy books she has been reading-"

"Henry Mills, did you know about this? And you didn't tell me?!" Regina accused and Henry gulped. He realized his mistake and cursed in his head.


"Oh my god!"


As the banter between everyone continued, Evelina thought through her tears that there could've been a better way to break the news to her family, instead of just blurting it out in the middle of dinner.

David suddenly turned to Evelina.

"Did you eat any of the steak?!"

"No, I-"

"Good!" David then grabbed Evelina's plate and threw it against the wall, the food splattering all over Regina's dining room.

"This fucking meal could've killed the baby, who's idea was this?!"

"It was Hook-"


Again, an argument between Regina, Hook, and David began. Belle neared the still crying Frost and rubbed her back.

"Deep breaths Evelina. You don't want to stress nor upset the baby," she cooed and Evelina nodded as she attempted to even out her breathing. She slowly stopped her ugly crying and calmed down.

"I didn't mean to blurt it out like that, the steak, Emma, and the baby all just made me nervous and I-"

"It's okay Evelina. I'm sure they'll calm down eventually. It is a lot to take in. They care about you a lot... Even if they show it in an odd way," Belle said as she eyed the family wearily. She continued to soothe Evelina until Belle saw that the forming cloud had disappeared and the ice around her had begun to melt away. Belle was about to say more comforting words to Evelina when Regina's loud voice stopped her.

"EVERYONE STOP, STOP!" Regina suddenly said and everyone turned to her. Regina spun on her heel and turned to Evelina with an accusing finger and glaring eyes.

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