Chapter 11

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I wake up instead of having blurry vision my vision is sharp and I could see every particle floating in the air

Soon my vision is normal

"You'll get use to that" I turn and see heather sitting next to my bed

"Why you here?" I ask

"Once I heard you were also a vampire I worried so I can back and I brought a few friends" she says

"More vampires" I say easy catching there scent down stairs

"Come meet them" she says standing

I stand quickly

"Ah see you got extra strength now" Heather smirks

"Shut up" I smile playfully pushing her she laughs

"Come on" she says dragging me down stairs

Where there were five people

Four boys and a girl

Lydia, Scott, Derek, and the 1D boys were also there

Lydia, Scott, and Derek eyeing them watching there every move

"Sam this is my vampire group" Heather says

"That's Calum, Michael, Ashton, Luke, and Tyler" she says pointing to each one

Calum had dark skin and black shinny hair

Michael was pale and had black massy hair with some dark green mixed with it

Ashton was tan and had curly messy brown hair and had a cheeky smile

Luke was also tan and had dirty blonde hair styled up and a lip piercing

And Tyler who was sitting close to Luke an holding his hand had medium straight light brown hair she was tan

"Nice to you guys" I say smiling

"Great can we leave now it smells bad in here" Tyler says

"You don't smell to great either" I blurt out

They all look at me

"Least I'm not a filthy dog" she says glaring at me

"Careful what you say in a house full of them" Derek growls

"Yeah Tyler won't want to get yourself killed" Luke says eyeing her

She rolls her eyes and sits quietly

"Great now we can get to business" Heather says

"What business?" I ask

"They're gonna teach how to be a vampire" Derek says


"Ok then lets get started" I say putting on a fake smile

We head to the training room

Derek and Harry following to keep and eye on the vampires

"Now lets see the vampire" Heather says to me

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