Chapter 25

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I slowly open my eyes to darkness still in the cold medal cage
The light were off except the light where a different guard from before say reading some magazine
"Pss Sav" I whisper "Sav"
"What?" she groans
"Why are the lights off?"
"It's night time go back to sleep" she says
So I did
I woke up later to the bright light again still in the shiny silver cage
I sat there and just looked around noticing there was a new person in the cage to the right of me
They were in wolf form and curled up in the far corner
I look to the left and like yesterday it was empty
"When did they come?" I asked Sav nodding to the small wolf
"She came in some time when we were asleep" she answers
I just nodded
I sat in silence hugging my knees to my chest thinking of Connor, Harry Lydia, Derek everyone
I wish I knew where they were
Where I was
Connor?...Connor can you hear me?!
Connor! where are you?!
I don't know some dark room where are you? are you safe?
I'm fine I'm in some place where they put us cages..?
Do you know who did this?
Sav said some guy named Hunter it was his pack that attacked us
Just another shapeshifter in the cage across from me
Oh.. listen Sam I don't have long don't listen to anything Hunter says don't answers any questions they ask tell them nothing
What is this even about?
I'm not sure yet but whatever it is don't tell them anything
Their coming Sam!
Connor don't leave me!
I'm sorry I have to go ill try to connect later
I gasp and tears begin to stream down my face
The last I heard was Connor screaming in pain
It lasted until the connection was cut off
What if they killed him what if he never answers again
Hot tears stream down my face as I try to sob quietly
"Sam?" Sav asks
"They have him Sav they have him and they're killing him!" I shout
"Hey hey it's ok chill"
"No no it's not ok!" I shouted again
Suddenly a door opens and slams shut
"Shh!" Sav says and crawls to the back of her cage
I hug my knees tightly to my chest
I listen to the two heavy foot steps as they come closer and closer and finally come to a stop right in front if my cage door
They open it and two big hands grab me dragging me out and down the hall
"Connor! Connor!" I started to shout and cry
"No let me go!!"
"Sam? Sam!!" I heard a familiar voice shout
I open my eyes and see Lydia and Lia in cages right next to each other
"Ly-" I was cut off by the door
"Lydia! Lia!" I shouted struggling to get out of the grasp of the two big men
They now dragged me down a grey long hall with more cages but this time there was all boys
Harry I think
"Harry?" I shout
Just as they dragged me through the second door I see Harry look out one of the cages
He was all beat up
They took me to a dark room with a long window
They sat me in a chair next to the window
I gasped seeing Connor being tortured
One guy pressed a button on the wall and his screams filled my ears

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