Chapter 10

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"What?" I ask looking at Derek confused

"Drink the blood it will make you feel better!" he say

I take the blood pack and pop the cap off the top of it and slowly drink through the small short tube

As I drink more it become better and better and I just can't stop until its all gone

"More!" I say throwing the empty pack to the ground

"Lydia go get more blood" Derek commands

She runs upstairs

I turn and look at Harry

He's sitting on the ground with his knees to his chest and his hands in his hair

"Harry?" I ask

He looks at me with worried and confused eyes

"What are you?" he asks

"She's a shapeshifter" Derek says "one reason why she's so special"

"So she's a wolf and vampire?" He asks

"More than that she's just changing to a vampire but by her birthday she'll be changing into much more" he explains

"Will it feel as bad as it does now?" I ask

"I'm not sure" Derek answers

"Derek I can't find the blood?!" Lydia yells from upstairs

"Ill be back" he says and runs out

I look at Harry and he looks at me

"I won't hurt you" I say

"I know" he says

Suddenly pain shoots through my stomach

I fall to my knees and start to cry again

Harry crawls to me and holds me in his lap as he leans against the wall

"Shhh its ok" he whispers holding me tight

Soon Derek, Lydia, Joe, and Scott come down with a bunch of packs of blood

"Holy crap!!" Harry says

"She needs that much?"

"Every new vampire does" Joe says handing me one

I snatch it and quickly drink it all

They put all the packs in front of me and they were soon all empty

As I finished the last pack I drifted to sleep still in Harry's arms

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