Chapter 8

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I wake up in a dark room on what feels like a cold bed

I open my eyes and can't see anything just black

I sit up slowly swinging my legs over the edge I sit for second to trying to remember what had happened

Last thing I remember was feeling so much pain and seeing Harry and a bunch of unknown alphas

I sit looking around at nothing

"Where the hell am I?" I whisper to myself

I stay silent for a while only sound I could hear was my breathing

Then a door in front of me opens and light leaks in blinding me for a second then my eyes adjust and I see a guy standing in the door way

"Sam your up" says a familiar voice

"Yeah" I say standing

I slowly walk to him and soon see his face

"Oh my god Harry!" I shout hugging him tight

"Hey how ya feelin?" he asks

"Great now that your here" I say

He lets go of me and smiles

"Lets get you something to eat" he says and takes my hand leading me upstairs to a house I've never seen before

"Wow" I say

"Yeah we had to move to a new secret house since the alphas knew where the other one was" Harry explains

"Well it does look more cozy then the lady one" I say looking at the fire place made of light wood that had carvings of wolfs

The house looked like a big fancy cabin

We go to the kitchen and Harry gets me something to eat

"Here eat this" he says and places raw meat in front of me

"Um you should probably cook it dont you think?" I say

"Well wolfs get their strength back faster if its raw plus it's fresh we just finished hunting" he says

"Ok?" I say confused I pick up the meat and bite into it

It tasted more satisfying then anything I've eaten since changing to a wolf

"Mmm" I groan eating more of it

"Knew you would like it" Harry says winking

"Where the other guys?" I ask with my mouth full

"They're talking about how to keep you from the alphas"

"Why aren't you with them?"

"Well one they're still made at me for running away with you into the woods and two they wanted me to check on you" he explains

"Oh" I answer after swallowing the last bite of meat

"Want more?"

"Yes please" I say smiling sliding my plate to him

He grins taking the plate and putting more meat on it



After eating most of the food they got from hunting

Me and Harry decide to do some training

"Ok now you know how that one alpha made you feel pain and stuff" he says

"Yeah that's his power"

"Correct now we just have find yours" harry says and starts to walk around me while I sit and listen to him

"What's your power anyways?" I ask

He stops walking and goes silent

I look at him and see sadness on his face

"You don't have one" I say

He look at me and nods

"Lets just find yours and forget about me ok?" he says

"Ok" I sigh

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