... and his brother

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A/N: Btw, if you are new to my stories in the Atla/Lok verse, I use all past characters, ties, plots, and relations from my other two stories (Zuko and General Iroh II). So if you haven't read the other stories, you might be a tad bit lost on things. I would mainly say that the General Iroh story is most important in this because we do delve into the relationship of the reader and Iroh since he acts like a barrier to her ascending the throne.

But yeah, everything is in the same universe. I'll still try to expand on certain matters so people who haven't read them aren't completely lost.


It's not every day that Mako witnesses you with little confidence. Usually, you'd strut around without a care in the world. People's burdens were never your own, and you have behaved in that manner for as long as he's known you, which has been approximately three weeks. 

Yet today, you keep fidgeting and glancing around the room to find something to occupy your attention. Finally, when you've had enough of the anticipation, you state with a forced bravado. "Is this truly necessary?"

Mako stands by your side as his gaze remains on the door. "Yes, our engagement has been made public, and I don't want to have Bolin hear it anywhere else but my mouth."

Befuddled, you respond with a shrug, "Why? My brother might learn from the newspaper or someone in my family."

"It's been three weeks and your brother still doesn't know?" Mako heard the verbal spats between you and your mother that gave him some inkling to the tumultuous relationship between you and General Iroh II. Never did he think that you wouldn't care to inform him of something this important.

"When he returned, we were doing the homeless thing. Then he went back to Republic City when we got back," you explain.

Mako shudders at the memory and changes the subject. "Anyways, I need you to be—" He pauses as he debates the correct word. "—more human."

The request to the Fire Princess might land as an insult, but you nod your head in agreement. "Sounds easy enough. I am a human after all!"

"I'm not too sure about that," Mako mutters under his breath.

You smile as your eyes drift over to the door. "But just in case, what constitutes acting human? Just so that we're on the same page."

Fear crosses his mind as he gawks at you. "Smile. Just smile and I feel like we will be okay."

You conjure up a smile, a bit forced but adequate enough to pass off as normal. Mako sighs with relief, "Yeah, that's decent. You look a lot less bloodthirsty when you smile."

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or not."

Mako hesitates, "And beautiful too?"

You bring your hand up as fists. "Good! That's what I'm going for. A little bloodthirsty but pretty."

Mako offers no response as Aki walks through the door frame with Bolin and Opal. "Your guests are here."

Bolin raises his arms as he waves at his brother, his voice echoing throughout the chambers. "Makoooo!"

Mako lets out a long exhale as the tension in his body releases its hold on him. His brother looks well and is a sight for sore eyes. They haven't been apart like this in a while, and he misses him dearly.

"Bo!" Mako exclaims as they give each other a hug.

You stare at their embrace, curious and pensive about their relationship. There is genuine emotion in their greeting, a tie that is unyielding to time. For once, you feel a tinge of jealousy as this is something you do not possess with your brother.

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