... and her grandfather

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A/N: Oooooooooops I forgot I had this ready. I tried editing this but my editing skills are a bit rusty. Thank you for the kind comments on this story, wish I could have it more time but I'm still shaping the ending of my Iroh story which isn't even close to finishing but I'm determined. This is a cute side story that I write in the meantime.

Enjoy! :3


He should be used to feeling such shock, but as lines of Fire Nation soldiers greet your arrival to the palace he can't find any sense of comfort being at the side of someone as powerful as you.

The soldiers bow the second you begin to glide past them. You head straight for the entrance of the palace where you hope to meet your family. "Are my parents home?" you ask your attendant as you ignore your soldiers.

"Your father is with your mother traveling to the Northern Water Tribe, and your brother has yet to return from a peace mission," Aki informs as he hastily keeps up by your other side.

Unfazed by the lack of family to see your return, you try to find the silver lining in this lackluster welcoming party (lackluster in your eyes). "Then I will introduce him to my grandparents."

"Does that mean Fire Lord Zuko?!" Mako exclaims.

You remain silent as you travel inside. At the sight of your familiar home, you heave out a sigh of happiness then turn your attention to Mako. "Did you say something?"

He can't tell whether or not you are joking, mainly due to the fact that his question was loud enough for everyone to hear. You had just spoken to him, he responded, and then you ignored him? However, he suddenly finds no value in his question. It was honestly a stupid question since of course Fire Lord Zuko is your grandfather.

"I didn't say anything."

"It must have been a mosquito then," you nod to yourself. The comment irks the boy to levels far above he's used to, yet he's honed his willpower to restrain any signs of annoyance on his expression.

"Probably..." he grunts out.

"Your grandfather is in the foyer having his tea alone," Aki announces.

"And Granny?"

"She's off hunting apparently," he shrugs.

"Hm," you pout. "I'm gonna go get her. Why don't you go have tea with my grandpa, Mochi?"

Mako glances around the area to see just who this Mochi is, but your even stare on him causes his heart to drop. "It's Mako."

"That's what I said," you smile.

"That isn't what you said," he counters.

You turn to Aki, your smile growing wider. "I said his name correctly, right?"

"You did," he agrees with a monotone voice.

Mako can sense the losing battle and huffs. "Are you sure you want me to meet Fire Lord Zuko alone?"

"Mhm. It shouldn't be too bad, I'm sure you guys have loads to talk about," you state with a chuckle. "I'm off to find granny!"

He knows he can't change your mind and watches as you run off, any hope of finding an ally now being depleted from his system.


Well, at least they did have something to talk about.

Fire Lord Zuko recognizes Mako upon seeing his figure, but his confusion begins when he begins questioning the boy. "Korra?"

"Uh... We don't travel around together," Mako scratches his cheek.

"Oh, that's right. She enjoys women now," Zuko says to himself. "...That's rough. Please, take a seat."

Mako frowns, his ego already bruised from being thrown around by these royals. "Yeah, we're just friends. It doesn't bother me."


"Thank you," Mako sighs.

Zuko waves his hand for a servant to bring some fresh tea. They waste no time tending to his silent request as Mako takes a seat in front of Zuko. When they set a piping hot cup of tea in front of the boy, Zuko begins his new set of questions.

"May I ask why you are seated here in the foyer?" he asks hesitantly while sipping on his beverage.

"The Fire Princess told me to sit here with you..."

Zuko halts, his eyes wide as saucers. "[Name]?"


"... She knows you how?"

"She found me in Republic City, demanded I marry her, and now I'm here."

A long pause of silence ensues as Zuko takes in the curt story. "As much as it sounds preposterous, I can see [Name] doing that." He sets down his cup and lets out a long sigh. "That girl..."

Mako keeps quiet. Clearly, the news has caught Zuko off guard and erases any sort of serenity he may have relished. With a grim expression and pressed lips, he ponders on the situation before him.

"This may be beneficial," Zuko states once he finishes mulling it over. "Mako, what I'm about to say may not leave this foyer."

Mako drops any hesitance and nods his head, scooting forward on the chair to hear the elder more clearly.

"We speculate that she is on the track of becoming just like my sister."

"... Last I heard, that isn't a good thing," Mako comments warily.

"Yes, and we need help curtailing her quest for power. She got it from my sister and my wife, but thankfully she isn't totally heartless."

"She did console me that I'd at least have food while married. Is that good?"

A sigh of relief passes Zuko's lips. "Yes, we've been trying to drill human empathy into her and it does seem to be working."

Mako shakes his head at his predicament. "This is totally messed up. To even be having this conversation--"

Zuko chuckles at Mako's outburst which silences the perplexed groom-to-be. "I know she isn't normal. She was never destined to be a normal person either way, and I can sense that you too were not destined for normalcy."

A bitter laugh rolls out Mako's mouth. "Honestly..."

"Mako, you still have a lot to learn in life. I ask that instead of focusing on your predicaments, you focus on what's before you."

"An odd marriage?"

"A chance to save this nation from a tyranny that may ensue. I cannot understand the coldness in her heart, but she chose you which means you might be the one to change her." Zuko reaches for his tea and resumes his consumption of it. "Maybe you will discover something you've been looking for all this time."

Mako stares up at the ornate ceiling and wonders what his friends are doing right this moment. Surely nothing as crazy as this, and surely not protecting the world from returning out of balance.

"So... do you really think she has a heart of gold?"

Zuko chokes on his tea, coughing and hacking out what he can to salvage the conversation. "No, no, no. NO! I never said that."


"I said you might be the one to tame her a bit. She outsmarts her parents every second she gets," Zuko explains, horrified at the mention of a golden heart. "Master manipulator, master firebender, master of sadism... I wish you luck, boy."

Mako gapes at the ex-Fire Lord, unknowing of the turmoil he will face for this thing called love.

The Unpredictable Fire Princess [Mako x Reader][Legend of Korra]Where stories live. Discover now