Part 4

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"So I'm not crazy..."

"Clarke, don't pretend that you didn't know." Lexa cut off Clarke, suddenly exasperated. "You know exactly why I was there every weekend."

"But it's wrong."

"It is wrong." Lexa echoed, her look of exasperation giving way to melancholy.

"So what do we do?"

"I don't know. I mean, even being here feels all sorts of wrong."

"Then why even come here?" Clarke asked, now the one sounding frustrated.

"Because you called." Lexa paused, took a deep breath, and looked directly at Clarke. "And I had no choice but to come."

Clarke stared back for a second before looking down. They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Maybe I just need to get this out of my system." Lexa started. "Then ----"

"Then you can go back to your life with Costia?"

Lexa did not respond. Another blanket of silence descended upon them.

"I thought this was supposed to be fun and easy." Clarke was the one who break the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"Love, I thought ----."

"Wooh Clarke, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This is not love. What we have here is just simple infatuation, physical attraction. Nothing more."

Clarke didn't know that words can cut that deep, having her feelings reduced to something so trivial and insignificant. "You're right. This is just a stupid physical reaction to each other. And we are clearly not animals to not have the ability to control ourselves." Clarke snapped. "This was clearly a bad idea. Let's just call it a night and never talk about it. Actually, we should never talk at all." Clarke stood up and was about to walk away when she felt a hand on her arm. She glared at Lexa.

"I'm sorry." Lexa said as she released her grip on Clarke. "I didn't mean to say those things. Please sit atleast until we can figure this out."

Clarke continued to glare at Lexa.

"Okay. It is something more than a stupid crush. Because it doesn't explain why I cannot stop myself from seeing you every chance I get."

Clarke seeing how flustered Lexa was, finally relented and sat down again.

"I don't want to be that person who turns you off on love. Because you're partly right."

Clarke raised her eyebrows at Lexa.

"Love is like a warm and comfy blanket wrapped around you snuggly when there is a storm raging outside. You recognize that life is not perfect but somehow you know you can get through it because there is someone beside you."

"That sounds nice."

"But it's not always like that." Lexa continued. "You'll piss each other off, you'll fight. But then you'll make up and it's back to the greatest feeling ever."

"Yeah, I've heard about make-up sex."

"Heard?" Lexa asked as she raised her eyebrows in disbelief. "Are you a..."

"Oh God no." Clarke answered with an awkward laugh. "It was just never serious." Then Clarke panicked as she realized her response. "I'm not promiscuous. I'm just saying that in however many partners that I had, it was never in a real relationship... that still sounded wrong... it's like..." Clarke trailed off, not knowing how to get out of this hole she just dug in.

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