Part 3

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"I had a great time. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

Clarke was lying in bed, staring at the message on her phone. Lexa texted her after lunch and she hasn't replied yet. Lincoln's words hang over her like a noose. Suddenly the flirting didn't sound so harmless anymore.

"Stupidest crush ever!" Clarke moaned. "Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away."

Clarke stared at the message once again. Then after a minute, she deleted it along with Lexa's number. She may not have had any serious relationships but she'd had crushes before. This too will pass like all the others.

The following weekend, Clarke was on stage again singing a slow song. As she was wont to do, she let her eyes sweep over the rows of people who were watching them, looking for people to focus on. Sudden movement made her look at the right side. She then saw a familiar brunette making her way towards the front. It was Lexa and she was all alone. Her eyes followed Lexa's progress. She turned her head away when Lexa looked up. Her heart started pounding as she felt Lexa's gaze on her. She didn't even notice the song ending, Clarke automatically singing the lyrics.

"Are you okay?" Octavia asked Clarke as she walked as near as the wires from her bass guitar allowed her.

"Yeah I'm fine." Clarke answered as she arranged her mike, still keenly aware of Lexa's presence.

"You seemed out of it." Octavia added. "Still look like it actually."

Clarke frowned at Octavia. Then with a determined look, she counted down to start the next song. Setting aside her thoughts on Lexa, Clarke focused on giving a performance. After an hour, the set ended to cheers and applause.

After going down from the stage, people crowded around the band. Clarke smiled and talked to a lot of people. Some just wanted to say hi and some wanted to know where they can see them again. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Lexa leaning on a table, drinking beer, and occasionally looking at her. Every time she hazard a glance, Lexa was there. However by the time that the crowd thinned out and Clarke tried to seek her out again, she was gone.

It happened again the next night and then the next few weekends. There were times Lexa would stay longer but there were times she'd drop by only for a few minutes. She'd find a place in the audience and watch them perform. All the while, Lexa did not attempt to come over nor did Clarke. It has become a regular occurrence that Clarke found herself waiting for Lexa everytime. She found that songs started to have more meaning and while she doesn't look at Lexa directly, Clarke knew she was singing for her. During this time, Lexa has not tried to text or call her again.

This has been going on for a few weeks, when one Saturday Lexa did not come in. Clarke was sorely disappointed although she tried to hide it from her bandmates. Then the next day, Lexa was a no show again. By the end of the set, Clarke was a mess. Forgetting cues and lyrics, her bandmates covering up for her. For the first time in weeks, she roamed around the venue trying to see if she maybe just missed seeing Lexa. But she really wasn't there. Clarke didn't know what to think. A part of her was worried that something happened to Lexa, maybe she was sick. Another part of her was afraid that Lexa had decided not to see her again. Since she removed Lexa's number from her phone, she had no way to contact her. Against her better judgement, she made plans to see Lincoln for lunch the next day.

"Hey Loser." Clarke called out to Lincoln they exchanged a hug.

"Interesting set last night." Lincoln greeted back as he sat back down, noting the dark circles under Clarke's eyes.

They talked about several things as they ate lunch, all the time Clarke felt her stomach rumbling like crazy. It was only when they were eating dessert that Clarke brought up Lexa.

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