Chapter Five

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 Chapter Five

        "Where do you think he is going?" I whispered to Unity.

        "I don't know. This isn't the way to Stark Tower," Unity whispered back. We were following Mr. Rogers. Me and Unity were the only ones curious enough to follow. We have been following Mr. Rogers for the past ten minutes. Still not knowing were he's going. We followed him another three blocks, before he stopped in front of a coffee shop.

        "Why does he need to come all the way out here to get coffee? Do they not have any at S.H.I.E.L.D.?" I asked before we looked through the a large glass window in front. Mr. Rogers ordered a coffee and took it to a table, and sat across from a blonde haired women (we could not see her face), "What is he doing?"

        "I don't know, and he's my dad!" she whispered loudly.

        "We are outside, so WHY ARE WE WHISPERING?!" I said a little too loudly. Mr. Rogers looked out the window, straight at us. He said something to the blonde, and walked outside. He turns straight to us.

        "What, are you two doing here?!" Mr. Rogers glared at us, shouting a bit. We winced from the shout, Mr. Rogers calmed himself and asked again in a more polite tone, "What are you two girls doing here? You're supposed to be at S.H.I.E.L.D."

        Unity looked at her father, "What? Can't two girls come to a coffee shop and buy some coffee?"

        "Considering, you two don't drink coffee, and if you did they have a coffee machine at Headquarters."

        I spoke up before its a 'fight', "Mr. Rogers, should we not be saying the exact same thing to you right now?"

        He nods his head, "What are you two doing here really?"

        "Does showing Airethena around count?" Unity asked nervously.

        "No," the blonde started to stare at us, before getting up and walking outside. He glanced at her, and turned back to us, "Alright back to base with you."

        We stood there, not moving a muscle. Mr. Rogers sighed, "I'll talk to you about this later," we turned on our heels grinning.

        We started whispering, "Who do you think that was?" I asked first.

        "That, was my mom."


        I walked into my room and changed into my armor. I'm tired of being in mortal clothes every day after training. Even in Headquarters I have to be in mortal clothes. I plunged down onto the bed, replaying the events from today.

1: The group (without me) came up with a name for Elizabeth: Elite. It made sense, I mean its away from 'hulk' in the name entirely, and its certainly better than all the others. 

2: Training. Not fun. Try being blasted at from everywhere in the room, and only being able block them with a sword.  You try it, its not fun. 

3: (the highlight of my day) Sneaking around following Mr. Rogers with Unity. Well it was fun until Mr. Rogers found us.

4: That brings us to the present. I have alone time! That is the real highlight! 

        The "new" Avengers burst open my door, "Spoke too soon," I muttered under my breath. Everyone, but Matthew, sat down on my bed. He just stood there looking a little uncomfortable.

        I sat up, and looked at Shadow, "Training again?"

        "Yup," she nodded weakly, obviously she was still tired from this mornings ten mile run. I got up off the bed, and passed Matthew.

        "Where ya goin'?"

        "Training, you?" they all got up, "Well, alright then."


        Everyone fell onto the ground or in a chair, "Training was not that bad was it?"

        "You can't say anything. You're the one who was pushing it. You fought all of us at once, and still won!" groaned Matthew.

        "Well maybe, you should train harder, and more. I trained every day since I could hold a sword," I started to get a little light headed so I sat down, "Yeah, maybe you are right. I was 'pushing' it," I sighed. 

        "He shoots, he scores. Airy, Matt's won this battle," groaned Unity. 

        I bolted right up, "Oh, stop your moaning and groaning it wasn't all that bad!" Only did I not notice they were all asleep, "Alright, fine then. Sleep away," and I fell asleep with them.

        When I woke that morning, looking around. We all fell asleep last night, and by the looks of it,  everyone else was still asleep. I nudged a few of them, and kicked the others lightly. 

        "Ow..." they all groaned in unison. 

        I took a quick look at the clock. Training started soon, "Oh get up. We have to be down in training in by the looks of it, ten minutes."

        They all jumped up, and ran to their rooms. Once they returned they all had a fresh new pair of clothing on. Matthew was the first to walk out afterwards, "See ya down there!" we all said in unison at him. He just waved back at us as he walked down the hall. 

        Elizabeth turned to leave, "See ya for now," and left for traning.

        I turned to say 'later' but, Shadow grabbed my arm, "You are not leaving this room without us," she glared and I smiled. 

        "Well then lets go," I pulled their arms ushering them out the door, "Go on move it!"

        When we entered the Training Centre, our parents were there. All dressed in there suits, and gears. I looked wide eyed at Father. I ran up to him, "What is going on?" 

        "Director Fury has summond us to train with you all for the day," announced Natasha. All of us kids groaned. 

        "Oh it won't be terrible! We promise!" smirked Mr. Barton. 

        "Well how about we get started?" asked Father.

        "So, how's this going to work out? Are we doing this as if where a child takes on one adult at a time while everyone else watches?" I piped up.

        "Sure, why not," answered Mr. Rogers. He still had some explaining to do...

        Mr. Stark's mask came down, "Let's get this party started."

NOTE: rest of these chapters are unedited + not re-rewritten yet. my bad.  


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