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Sunni Pov

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Sunni Pov

Two weeks later

Hospital  Thursday  11:26 am

I sat here waiting for my release papers and care instructions. Kai never ket the nurse give me a bath again, so shes been doing it.

My legs feel weird as hell, I need alot of help walking, they said it's because of the bullet that hit my arm also affected the nerve going from my arm down to my hip and left leg.  I did get some of the feeling back in my hand.

But recovery is key, they said.

"You ready?" Kai asked

"Yeah" I tried to stand up

"Let me help you bae" she wraped her arm around my waist.

We walked down to the hall, and she just decied to get me a wheelchair. Kai had slept her the entire two weeks, she never left. Zeus and savanna brought her clothes. The nurses allowed her to use their locker room to shower when she needed it.

I couldn't believe she never left. 

"The necklace looks good on you" she said helping me in the car

"Thank you this little girl gave it to me" I laughed

"Little girl whe better be of age"

"She definitely is now" I winked at her and she closed my door

Ring ring

"Hello" I said

"Hey sis what's going on?" Juicy asked

"Nothing finally leaving" I put my seat belt on, kai cant not fucking drive

"Yeah, I bee back in Arizona for a week, moms was pissed off and came and got my grown ass. She said  you and Sunni never good when we get together" we both started laughing

"Well she right" I stated

"Yeah, but Max cant talk that much still, but he good" I said

"When you coming back?" I asked

"Kai nigga slow down" I said placing my hand on the dashboard

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