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Sunni Pov

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Sunni Pov

Home Wednesday  9:27 am

When i woke up and seen Kai wrapped around me. I lifted the comforter up and she had on a tshirt, and it was up to her chest and no underwear. 

I had to get up out the damn bed before anything else happened.

I couldn't help, but look at her Kai was beautiful, even with out that makeup she be putting on sometimes. I never seen a stud wear makeup.

I don't even know if she was a stud.

I got out the bed, and went to the kitchen and my phone started ringing.

Ring ring

"Zeus, im not with all these games. Now who the hell is Aism and Pink?" I asked

"Firstly how is my daughter?" He asked

I fucked her.

"She is fine, she beat up someone and got kicked out. Now who are these people?" I asked

"Aism is a nigga who thinks i stole his business...wait how do you know him?" He asked

"Because this nigga showed up here the other day, then Jay said this nigga was at a restaurant with Kai"

"Never let him anywhere near my mother fucking daughter you hear me Sunday?"

"Ever" he repeated

"Who is pink?"

"A crazy bitch who likes knives, she's a sneaky bitch, don't  ever speak to her and i mean speak don't ever say shit to her" he said

"I'm going to send you something you'll get it later today and show Jay, hell know what's up. Sunday....Sunni I'm trusting you man" he said

"I'm not gone let nothing happen to her" i said

"Thank you. I have to go" he said and hung up

I been here little over a month and this shit is happening to me. I like Kai, but that could never work because when her pops come back, like I'm out of this shit.

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