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Kai Pov

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Kai Pov

Tuesday Hotel 9:45 am

I woke up with little to no cramps. My period is like the devil it's self inside of me trying to rip shit apart.

Sunni is definitely nasty, when it comes to sex. I guess she dont care. But i mean it worked i was able to sleep.

After using the restroom and you know. I laid back down woshing i didnt have to go to class today. I make good..i make hella good grades, im good.

Nina - we are looking for you?

Gypsy  - right you okay?

Me - yeah, im not coming, my period is killing me. 😭🤮

Nina - 😖😖😣

Me - i know

Gypsy  - masturbate, it helps me with my cramps

Nina - gy do you ever shut up

Me - um im going back to sleep. Lol

I heard my phine go off again. As they was texting each other. Sunni laid there with her haid all over her head and face. 

It was freezing in this room, she had the air on blast in here. I dont know why she likes it so cold. I got back underneath the covers and i guess she took her shirt off in the middle of the night. 

Ring ring

"What ginger?" I whispered

"Where are you? And i called uncle z" she said


"He said to get home" she lied

"I spoke to my father lastnight. He said nothing like that to me. Plus im good. Im tired and trying to sleep. Leave me alone"

"Well, im not leaving until uncle gets here"

"You aint the boss of me. I use to love having you around but the pass couole days you been rude and rude to Sunni so bye" i hung up

I laid close to her lightly rubbing her stomach . She didnt have tight abs but she was fit, i know that much. I slipped my hand into her shorts.

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