Ch 8: If You Change Your Mind

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3rd/Narrator's POV

"You want me to go on a journey with you guys." Chiyo questioned as if she was hearing them wrong. "You barely know me."

"You helped Frosch, which makes you good in our books." Lector stated.

"B-but I could be a murder, w-who ties their victims up and pokes their eyes out with unsanitary kitchen knives."

'Okay, that's too specific.' The boys sweat-dropped. Sting quickly snapped back to his usual self, plastering on an overconfident smirk, "Oh please, an innocent looking girl like you could never be a killer," He threw his arm over her shoulder and leaned into her ear whispering, "Yet I would gladly let you tie me up anytime."

This set Chiyo's face a blaze in embarrassment, but it faded to anger as she grabbed Sting's arm around her shoulder and twisted it behind his back.

"ow ow ow." He whimpered in pain at the awkward angle his arm was now in.

"That's what you get for being a pervert!"

"It's not my fault you're so cute- ow ow- stop it hurts!"

"Then stop being weird."

The whole time the two exceeds were rolling on the ground in laughter, while Rogue chuckled softly at the auburn beauty arguing with his blonde friend.

"See, you are perfect for our team." He told her as she finally released Sting, who rubbed his sore shoulder. "We need someone to keep Sting in check."

"Yeah, plus Sting's expressions are funny when he gets hit." Lector added in receiving a glare of betrayal from Sting.

"Super Doper Funny!" Frosch agreed, worsening the boy's mood.

"So called friends you guys are." He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest, "How do we even know she can use magic anyways?"

Before Chiyo could tell them, Frosch spoke for her. "She has magic! She saved me by moving the ground and then she grew a flower out of nowhere."

"So, you use Earth magic." Rogue guessed.

"Well, actually I use Element Dragon Slayer magic." Chiyo explained "I can manipulate every element there is, but so far I only know how to do Earth, Lighting, and Water elements."

"You're a Dragon Slayer?!" Sting shouted in shock causing Chiyo to glare at him.

"It's what I just said or is your brain too small to comprehend simple words."

"We're just surprised." Rogue said holding Sting back by the collar of his gray shirt. "No one has seen one since what happened with the Fairy Tail Guild 2 years ago."

Chiyo felt a ping within her chest at the mention of the accident, a forlorn expression creeping onto her face. Noticing her sadness, Frosch hugged the young girl's legs for comfort. "Don't worry Yo-chan. You aren't the only one, Rogue and Sting are Dragon Slayers, too."

"Really?" She questioned the teenage boys.

"Now, who's the surprised one." Sting teased, "But yeah, Rogue's a Shadow Dragon Slayer and I'm a White Dragon Slayer."

"We're both third generations. What's your generation?" Rogue asked.

"I 'm a fourth generation." Blue and red eyes widened in disbelief, looking at each other then back to her.

"What?" She said confused at their exchange.

"Our dragons told us that there has only ever been one fourth generation in this realm's history." Rogue informed her.

Sting was not buying it though, "If you're really a fourth generation, then your blood is different compared to others." He pulled a small knife from his pocket and held it out to her. "Go on prove it."

"Fine." She harshly took the knife and winced as the cold blade glides over her pale skin.

They watched in astonishment as unnatural silver droplets bleed from her fresh wound.

'How cool.' They all thought.

"Is that enough proof."

"For the moment." Sting nodded in approval, "However, this does mean you have to join our team even more now."

"I can't." Chiyo rejected, "I have to stay here. I'm waiting for someone."

"You mean that person you lost?" Lector tilted his head, "I thought you said they were never coming back."

"No, they could." She protested.

"No, they won't." Sting countered, "Even you said that it was foolish to think they would."

"I can still hope they'll return, so that's why I have to stay."

"Hoping they'll return is different from knowing they'll be back."

Chiyo had just heard the truth that she refused to say for so long. Hoping is like dreaming, unreal wishing and misleading.

"Hey," Rogue gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "We leave tomorrow morning. We'll wait for you at the Harbor. If you change your mind." He then stood beside Sting and Lector as they began to walk away.

Frosch tugged on Chiyo's pant leg making her look down at him. "Please think about it, Yo-chan. It'd be nice to have you around." He said skipping off towards the others.

Chiyo stood there for a minute with a heavy head she too started making her way home.

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