Ch 1: The Meeting

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The lighting wizard walked the woods alone. It had been a couple of days of his wandering since his banishment from the guild he had once grown up in. Day after day, the guilt of his crimes still weighed heavily upon him. He knew his actions were wrong and the hunger for power had corrupted his mind.

So here he was, still slightly injured from his previous battle against the flaming pinkette and the metal brain. He sighed irritably, walking pass all the similar looking trees making him believe he was lost.

"All these damn trees look alike." Laxus voiced in annoyance.

He continued walking with his exhaustion increasing. He stopped abruptly as he peeked through the trees and noticed a bright opening from up ahead. He reached the opening to find a beautiful field of wild flowers before him.

Laxus was in amazement as he was over come with a pleasant scent that hit his nose. He felt an unconditional and uncontrollable calmness throughout his body. Stepping out of the shadowy forest, he took his first steps into the heavenly meadow. He cautiously observed his surroundings until they landed on something hidden within the flowers that began to move.

Acting upon his instincts, Laxus used his magic to send a bolt of lighting down to strike it. Walking over he expected to see a now fried animal but to his surprise there in the middle of the flowers was a little girl that looked unharmed by the lighting strike.

There she laid peacefully with her short ginger locks spread out, curling around flower stems. Her ivory skin contrasting with the colorful petals. His first thought of her was that she could have been a tiny angel.

As if feeling he was there, her eyes soon opened to reveal a blueish hazel orbs. Her glaze landed on Laxus causing them both to stare blankly at one another in silence before the girl spoke ever so softly. "Hello."

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