Chapter 1 - sleepy beginnings

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It was a normal day in an unpopular school, full of unpopular and annoying people. Annet sighed. Today's lessons were as boring as usual, and she wanted nothing less than to throw her annoying classmates out of the window. One of her friends was complaining about class again and how she wanted to sleep. This was typical of Julie; it seemed like all she could ever think about was sleeping and eating. There was still half an hour of class left but Annet's mind was already far from the classroom. She could not stop thinking about how many stink bugs she had seen at lunch time. They seemed to follow her. Of course, this is to be expected, as their lunch table was outside and underneath a tree. Though this didn't explain the fact that the stink bugs seemed almost drawn to her. Just yesterday she found a stink bug in her hair! It was getting very out of hand. Annet gave another small sigh and decided to think nothing of the strange stink bugs. Instead, she tried to block out Julie's complaints and focus on the last few minutes of class.

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