Chapter 3 - Lunch & Bin Bugs

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Annet's perspective

Finally! Class was over and now Annet could eat. Annet was sitting with her good friends, Julie, Nate, and Kerry. They were all weird, but they were a nice assortment of people and Annet liked to hang out with them. Kerry seemed unnaturally kind and understanding. She was the type of person that always knew what to say to solve your problems. Nate was...different. He had long, shabby hair that covered his eyes and he was prone to anxiety attacks. Then there was Julie. She was just weird. So as the four friends say down to eat their lunch, the last thing Annet was expecting to see was yet another stink bug. This stink bug was huge! Much bigger than the others Annet had seen; and it was just sitting there! Just sitting on the table looking at Annet in the same way that a child looks at their mother. Annet, Kerry, Julie and Nate all stepped backwards instinctively to observe the monstrous insect. Annet focused all her attention on the stink bug, hoping it would burst into flames. As she was staring, Annet noticed the stink bug moving its antennae like it was trying to talk to her. "This is so weird." Annet thought, screwing up her face in the process. Her disgust was only furthered by Julie's smart ass remark of "oh my god Annet! It's like it's in love with you or something!" It was at that moment that Nate, being his strange self, picked up the stink bug, and threw it in the bin! Like, seriously...he just walked over to the bin and dropped the stink bug in jokes... Annet was surprised at Nate's actions, but chose to stand still rather than question everything like kerry or laugh like a maniac as Julie was doing. You might ask yourself "did Annet feel sorry for the stink bug? Did she ever find King Pooty Mc Scooty again?" The answer to that is: of course not. Annet had no idea who the stink bug king was or that it was he that tried to talk to her. Annet just sat down, ate her lunch, and forgot all about the crazy stink bug.

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