The Cube

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All the men were lined up on the side of the street, handcuffed to each other. Sam and Emilia move to stand in front of Simmons, and the girl looks up at him.

"Take it off," she says.


"Your clothes, all of it, off. Now. This is what you get when you hit on underaged girls."

The man frowned, but took his jacket off before tossing it to the side. He unbuttoned his white top, before pulling it off and revealing a white tank top, which was covered in sweat. "Little lady, this is the end of your life." He then unbuckles his belt, before pulling his pants off and stepping out of them.

"Now press our chest to the pole, thank you," she smiled, following him over. She takes her hand cuffs, cuffing his arms around the metal streetlight so he couldn't move. The girl turned to go back to her brother's side, hearing helicopters overhead.

"Optimus," Iron Hide warns. "Incoming!"

"Rollout!" The leader says, everyone but him beginning to transform. He lowers his hand, motioning for the twins to climb on, which they do. Optimus looks around at the helicopters, before running towards the bridge where he can hide. "Hold on," he said to them before setting the two up on his shoulder. Emilia wraps her arms around one of the pipes, Sam holding himself up by the metal pieces.

The helicopters continue flying on, unable to spot Optimus at all. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, until Optimus had to shift to keep them all hidden.

"Sam, I'm slipping," she said quietly, trying to hold onto something else.

"No you're not, don't worry, you'll be okay," he reassured her, but she shakes her head.

"I'm freaking out a little, okay? They have our mom and dad and I'm pretty sure I saw them take Mojo and I just... I don't know if I can hold on."

"Emilia," Optimus said quietly. "Stay strong."

There was silence for almost a minute, before the blonde's hand slipped, causing her to fall off of Optimus's shoulder and towards the ground below them. Sam reached out to grab her, but he missed. "Emilia!" He yelled for her.

Out of what seemed like nowhere, Bumblebee transformed and grabbed her with both hands, landing on his two feet a bit aways from the bridge. Of course, this caught the attention of the helicopters and the rest of the people in cars. 

People got out, shooting things at Bumblebee that wrapped around his arms and legs, forcing him to the ground. Emilia stumbled out of his hand, far enough to be grabbed by soldiers. "Let go!" She yelled, seeing that they were spraying Bee with something white, and it was hurting him. "You're hurting him, stop!"

"Good to see you again, Princess," comes Simmons's voice, to which she turned and saw him in a brand new suit. "Looks like your brother isn't with you, huh? Where's your boyfriend?" To that, Emilia spit in his face. His hand comes up, wiping it away. "Doesn't matter, we only need one of you."


Emilia looks around, walking on her own save for the countless guards around her. They were at the Hoover Dam, and Agent Simmons was waiting for her.

"Hey blondie," he says. "I know we got off on the wrong foot, but really, I want to start over. Can I get you anything? A coffee, maybe? Promise I forgive you for spitting on me, it was cute."

"Where's my car?" She asked. She knew her brother was with Optimus, he wouldn't get hurt. So now she just had to save Bumblebee.

Simmons doesn't respond, and instead, a man with small sunglasses moves to stand next to the Agent. "I need you to listen to me very carefully," he says. "People can die here, so we need to know everything you know. We need to know it now."

"Yeah, okay," she nods. "I want my car, my parents and my dog back, please. And I'd like you to start using my name, that would be great. Maybe you should write that down."

"Come with me," the man with sunglasses says. "We'll talk about your car."

Emilia nods, sending a glare towards Simmons before following him to a door, which led to an elevator that would go all the way down in the damn, where Sector Seven worked.

Once at the ground floor, Simmons looks over at her. There were now military men, a black man and a tall blonde woman walking with them. "What you're about to see is highly classified," he says.

The room the enter has a large robot being sprayed with the same white stuff they were using on Bumblebee, it looking to be taller than even Optimus.

"We found him at the North Pole," the man with sunglasses informs. "He was crashed in the ice, probably a few thousand years ago. We shipped it here in 1934."

"Called NBE1," Simmons adds. 

"I don't mean to correct everything you think you know," Emilia shakes her head. "But that's Megatron, he's the leader of the Decepticons."

"He's been in cryo-statis since 1935. Your great-great-grandfather made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of mankind."

"So why Earth?" A man in a military uniform asks.

"It's the Allspark," the blonde girl tells him.

"What's that?"

"They came here looking for it, it's supposed to be in the shape of a giant cube. NBE1 - Megatron, since that's what they call him - pretty much the devil himself. He wants to use the cube and transform human technology to take over the universe. That's their plan."

"And you're sure about that?" Simmons raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Optimus told me himself." She looks at him, before around at the others. "You guys know where it is, don't you?"

"Follow me, kid."

The whole group turns to follow him, Emilia trying to process everything. They had the cube this whole time, and they had it sitting next to Megatron. Who would even think that's a good idea?

They were led into a small room, where they could look out the window and see a giant, alien cube, bigger than the Witwicky house. Her jaw dropped slightly when she saw it, knowing that if Megatron woke up even the slightest, they'd be in big trouble.

"The concrete makes sure no one can detect it's energy," Simmons says, but Emilia looks over at him.

"The Decepticons are much more powerful than us," she says, hearing crashing above her head as the lights flickered. "I don't know as though concrete would stop them."

"We have to get to Megatron." 

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