Men in Black

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Upon finding Sam's black backpack, Emilia starts rummaging through it in hopes of finding the glasses. In one of the smaller pockets, she found a wooden case. Opening them up, sat the glasses. She moves to the stairs, closing the case back up. "Sam!" She called for him, hearing someone ring the doorbell repeatedly. 

Luckily, her dad answered it, so she wouldn't have to. 

"Ron Witwickity?" A voice asks. Their last name really isn't that hard to understand.

"It's Witwicky," she hears her father correct. "Who're you?"

"We're the government, Sector Seven."

"Never heard of it."

"Never will."

Emilia frowns, turning to stand next to her dad. "I'm sorry, can we help you with something?" 

"Oh, hello dear," the man smiles at her. "You must be the great granddaughter of Captain Wickity."

"It's Witwicky, but yeah, I am."

"Well uh... I must request to enter the premises," he steps in closer to her, to which she leans back a little. "Miss?"

"You can't just barge into our house, I'm sorry," she shakes her head, a hand grabbing the door to close it, but the man stops her. "Honey, I'm going to have to ask you and your brother to come with us, please. You both own the car you reported stolen, yes?"

"Yeah, but we got it back," she nods. "I won't repeat myself again, please just see your way out." Trying to close the door once more, the man finally steps away. But this time, two bigger men move up and push the door open, forcing their way into the house. 

"What the hell is going on?" Sam asks as he heads down the steps, looking around at all the men in black suits.

"I'm trying to be real nice about this, sweetheart," the man from before says as he steps in closer to Emilia again. "You just stay nice and still for me, would you?" He lifts some machine up to her, to which it starts beeping loudly and quickly.

"Bingo!" He grinned. "Grab 'em and bag 'em!"

"What?" Emilia asked, a large man coming over and grabbing her by the arm, pulling her close so he could handcuff her.

"Get your hands off her!" Sam exclaimed, starting to fight back in order to get to his sister. "That's not how you treat a lady and you know it!"

"Sam, you're going to get pummeled if you don't just do what they say," the blonde warned him, being dragged outside and towards one of the black vehicles. She gets shoved into the backseat, the man who had the beeper getting in the passenger seat and some other man getting in the drivers side. Soon, Sam was pushed into the back next to her, and they were off to god knows where.

"Hello, yes, I am Agents Simmons," the man finally introduces himself. "It's so nice to meet you, Ladiesman217," he shifts to face Sam. "You know, from Ebay? What do you think of this?"

He presses play on a phone, to which Emilia automatically recognizes as her phone. The video of her watching Bumblebee appeared. "That you, sweetcheeks?" He looks over at Emilia, who shifts in her seat uncomfortably. "Last night at the station you told the officer your car transformed. Enlighten me."

"I'll tell you what I say," she shrugged a bit. "This a complete misunderstanding. My car had been stolen, okay?"


"Yes, from me. But it's fine, okay? It's back, someone drove it back."

"Right," Sam nods. "Because cars can't drive themselves, that would be crazy, right?" He starts to laugh, Agent Simmons joining along. It seemed alright, at first, until he stopped.

"So what do you kids know about aliens?"

"Like a martian?" Sam asks. "They're... like, like E.T?"

The man was clearly growing annoyed, making him reach over and pull out his badge. "See this?" He asks. "This is a ' do whatever the hell I want and get away with it' badge, alright? I'm gonna lock you up forever, Sammy."

"Don't listen to him, he can't do anything," Emilia shakes her head. "He's just upset because he has to go home back to mommy at the end of the night."

"Hey, blondie," Simmons looks at her. "Don't test me, alright? I know where you go to school, I know where you're trying to apply for college. They aren't ever gonna take you in, you not gonna be able to get any modeling job, you hear? Don't matter if you're hot."

"Hey, hey!" Sam butt in. "That's my sister, okay? We're 17, you can't talk to someone who's underaged like that. It's disgusting, cut it out." Just as he finished his sentence, the car crashed into something metal, causing their bodies to be pushed forward a bit. Emilia had let out a small yelp of surprise, before watching two metal hands come down and rip the top right off of the car they were in.

There stood Optimus, as well as all the other Autobots around the car. Emilia smiled to herself, knowing Agent Simmons wouldn't get far. "Gentlemen," she hummed. "I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, Optimus Prime."

"Taking the children was a bad move," Optimus says in a low voice, the men in suits aiming their guns at him. "Autobots, relieve them of their weapons." All of the others turned their hands into large guns, Jazz's hand glowing, pulling all the human's guns away from them like a magnet. 

Optimus kneels down, coming face to face with the humans that took the twins. Emilia didn't hesitate to get herself out of the car, quickly moving over to him, her hands still handcuffed. 

"Oh, you're buddies, then," Simmons nods a bit.

"You don't seem afraid," Optimus responds. "Are you not surprised to see us?"

"There are uh... protocols I have to follow. I'm not allowed to communicate with you other than to tell you that... I can't communicate with you."

"Get out of the car," he growled, to which the two men nod and quickly climb out, hands in the air. He then looks down at Emilia, noticing she was cuffed. "Are you alright?" He asks her.

"Just a little pushing, that's all. I need the keys, though. To get mine and Sam's handcuffs off."

"Go ahead, I'll make sure they don't hurt you."

The girl nods, moving over to where Simmons and the other men stood. "I need you to take these off," she says, turning her back to him so he could see her cuffs.

The man pulled a key out of his pocket, before stepping in closer. "I hope this isn't the only time I see you in cuffs, blondie."

Once they were off, she turned and took the keys from him. "You really think it's smart to be trying that with me right now? With them here?"

"What, your giant metal boyfriend going to beat me up? Can't fuck a robot."

"I'm sure you've tried."

"I've only got time for a fine ass like yours, wouldn't waste it on something that can't make any noise. Now how boring would that be?"

"I wouldn't know," she frowned, turning to walk away from him. He reached forward, grabbing her wrist and stopping her.

"Hands off," Optimus said as he stepped forward, Simmons almost automatically letting go. "Is he bothering you, Emilia?"

"See? Metal boyfriend, cute," the man muttered.

"He's just being annoying, that's all," the girl shakes her head and moves to take the cuffs off her brother. "When men aren't raised right, they turn into pigs."

There's a pop from behind her, to which she turned and saw Bumblebee standing behind Simmons, hands on his hips. Then, he started... peeing. It was probably just oil, but it looked like he was peeing. Emilia couldn't help but giggle as she watched, causing Optimus to let it go on for a little longer than he should have.

"Bumblebee," he finally said. "Stop lubricating the man."

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