The Building with Statues

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The rest of the Autobots and the military pull into the city, most people having evacuated from the sight at the highway. They stop in the middle of the street, Bumblebee letting Emilia out so she was able to see what was happening.

"There's an aircraft," Captain Lennox tells her, motioning her to come closer. "We're dropping a smoke bomb so they can see us, so try to ignore the smell." Soon, clouds surrounded them in green, the girl looking up to the sky to see the jet.

"It's Starscream!" Iron Hide said, he and the other Autobots beginning to Transform. "Bumblebee, come on." The two move to a large truck with a trailer, holding it up as Starscream heads for them.

"Get down!" The Captain yelled as he reaches for Emilia, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her in close before ducking behind one of their cars. The jet shoots at them, causing the whole trailer to explode, knocking everyone to the ground.

When Emilia managed to open her eyes, she was on the ground and her ears were ringing. There was bits of gravel covering her, which fell of as she managed to push herself to her hands and knees. That explosion put her in a lot of pain, but she had to ignore it.

Looking over, she sees Bumblebee struggling to get up. His legs were destroyed from the blast.

"Oh my god," she said quietly, pushing herself to her feet and moving to him. "Oh, Bee, oh no. Ratchet!" She yelled for him, unsure of what to do. "You're gonna be okay, you hear me? We're gonna fix you right up and everything is going to be okay. Come on, you can do this."

There was the sound of shooting going off, making her look over and see a tank sitting in the middle of the street, firing at them. They had to get out of here.

Emilia looks around, her eyes landing on a tow truck. "Captain!" She yelled for Lennox.

"What? Are you alright?"

"Yeah," she nods. "I need someone to hook Bee up to that tow truck, okay? Drive him around, he still has his hands, he can shoot. But they have to be fast."

"On it," he nods, before calling out orders.

"I'm gonna stay right with you, okay?" The girl says, turning back to Bumblebee. This makes him shake his head, extending his hand to give her the Cube. He needed her to leave, and she knew that's what she had to do.

"Okay," she nods a little as she takes ahold of it. "You stay safe, okay? They're gonna take care of you, you're gonna fight with the soldiers." She looks over, seeing a man driving the tow truck over to them. "Let's get you hooked up."

The soldiers comes to the back, Emilia setting the Cube down on the truck as they both grab the wires to start looping them around Bumblebee, making sure he would stay on the truck.

"Emilia," Captain Lennox moves to her. "Where's the Cube?"

"Right on the truck."

"Okay, look, I'm sorry but I can't leave my men. Take this," he hands her a flare. "There's a big white building down the street, it has statues on top. Go to the roof, set the flare and signal the chopper."

"What?" She asks, shaking her head. "I-I can't go on my own, I can't-"

"Listen to me." The Captain pulls her in close, a hand on her shoulder as he bent over a bit to make eye contact. "You have to do this, okay? Don't back out now, everyone is relying on you to make it through. I know this is scary, and I'd never put you through this unless I had to. Please, just take the Cube and do it, so the military can take care of it. If you don't, a lot of people are going to die."

Emilia nods a little, reaching over to grab the Cube. "Make sure someone is driving Bumblebee around, okay? Please?"

"Will do."

"Emilia," Iron Hide gets her attention. "Get to the building, we'll cover you!"

The blonde nods, taking in a small breath before turning and sprinting down the street towards the building with statues. Explosions went off around her as she ran, both Iron Hide and Ratchet firing at Blackout in order to keep him away from the girl.

"Watch out!" The weapons expert yells, picking up a car to shield them from a blast. Blackout transforms right in front of Emilia, flying over her head and towards the other Autobots.

She's too scared to look back, keeping her eyes ahead with the Cube tucked under her arm. If Sam was here, he'd insist on getting her to safety. She almost wished she could do that, since she didn't even know where Optimus was.

"Keep moving, Emilia." Iron Hide runs up next to her, Ratchet to his right. "Don't stop!"

Firing went of being her, when suddenly she can hear transforming and cars are flipped left and right. She's knocked to the side, letting out a help of surprise before she ducks to take cover behind a car. Both Autobots are quick to come help her, the girl glancing up to see the Decepticon known as Starscream.

He must have realized he was in over his head, for he leaves just as quickly as he appeared.

"Get to the building!" Ratchet insists, Emilia barely having time to regather herself before taking off once more. Her heart was pounding so hard she could feel it in her throat and in her hands. She could hear her heartbeat.

"Give me the Cube, girl!" Comes a shout from behind her, causing her to look over her shoulder and see none other than Megatron himself.

She turns a sharp left, seeing the building with statues ahead of her. There was a metal fence around it, but she was luckily able to slip through and run inside.

"Okay," she said to herself as she took a moment to catch her breath. "Okay, upstairs, upstairs." When she found the stairs to her right, she took off running again.

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