13: Richie?

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I wake up snuggled into Richie with his arms around me. Sometimes I worry that I care about him too much because losing him would probably be the worst thing that could happen to me. I slowly pull away from Richie to get up.

"Where are you going?" Richie asks, his voice cute and raspy.

"We're meeting the losers to celebrate the 4th, remember?" I answer.

"Five more minutes," he responds, pulling me back to him.

"We need to go to my house and get my stuff."

Richie doesn't respond and pretends to be asleep.

"Will this wake you up?" I ask, then press my lips on to his. Without hesitation, Richie kisses me back. My initial plan was to pull away immediately, but it took me a couple seconds to actually stop kissing him. I pull away and stand up.

"Alright, let's go."

"You tricked me!" Richie shouts, standing up.

I shrug and grab his hand as we walk out to his bike.

"Stay here," I command getting off his bike a block away.

"Why?" Richie asks.

"Just in case my mom is home."

"I'm not going to let you go in there alone if your mom is home!"

"I'll be punished even worse if I'm seen with you. Please stay here. For me."

"Fine. But the second I hear screaming, I'm coming in."

"Deal," I say, then run in to my house.

Richie's POV

It's been ten minutes. I got bored after two and started riding around in circles on my bike, but it shouldn't take her ten minutes to get her stuff, right? Her mom could be hurting her right now. I should go check on her.

I walk up to her house and it looks deserted. There aren't any lights on and I don't hear anything inside. I decide to just walk in.

"Y/n?" I whisper yell. No answer. Where is the hell she?

I continue to search for her in the kitchen, living room, and bathroom before heading upstairs. There's a messy room with a queen bed and the door ajar, and I assume that's her mom's room. On the other side, there's another door which I assume leads to her room.

I enter her room and see it's covered in drawings. She's so fucking talented. I walk over to her desk and see her sketchbook is gone. I open her closet and see most of her clothes are gone. She must've left already. Maybe she's outside waiting for me.

I walk outside and look around and find no sign of her anywhere nearby. Where the hell did she go? Did she leave for the celebration already? I decide to go there and check because I have no idea where else she could be.

"Hey losers," I say, riding up to Bill, Stan, Eddie, Beverly, Mike and Ben setting down their bikes.

"Where's y/n?" Ben asks me.

"I...don't know," I answer.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Beverly says, "Weren't you supposed to pick her up?"

"Yeah, but she had to go inside and get some things. I never saw her leave, but when I went inside her house, she wasn't there."

"Y-you don't think sh-she went--" Bill starts.

"No!" I interrupt. "I'm sure she's fine. She probably just ran here without me as a prank or something."

"That doesn't sound like a very good prank," Stan replies.

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