1: The Losers

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The school bell rings loudly in my ears. Ugh, I sigh. Most kids my age would be excited that school is officially out for the summer, but not me. It's not school that I enjoy. It's the escape. The escape from my mother, if I can even call her that. Mothers are supposed to care about their children. My mom couldn't care less about me. My dad left us years ago and we've been struggling financially ever since. And for some reason, that's my fault too. The alcohol certainly doesn't help either. And she'd much rather spend money on that than food for her daughter.

I pack up my things and head outside when I see Henry Bowers and his goons doing their usual thing and bullying innocent kids.

His favorite targets are this group of four boys: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kasprak, Stanley Uris, and Bill Denbrough. The school calls them the Losers Club, and everyone at school either avoids them or bullies them.

I really haven't figured out why these boys are constantly bullied. They all seem really cute and sweet. Okay well I guess I do know that Eddie gets bullied for being a germaphobe, Stan gets bullied for being Jewish, Bill gets bullied for his stutter, and Richie gets bullied for having glasses. But those things shouldn't qualify them for constant abuse.

Bowers pulls Richie by his backpack into Stanley, causing them both to tumble to the ground. Patrick picks up Stanley's kippah and throws it into a bus passing by. Belch burps in Eddie's ear, causing him to gag. They walk by and Henry purposefully rams into Bill. 

"You s-s-suck Bowers!" Bill shouts after them.

"You s-s-say s-something, B-b-billy?" Henry asks, turning around and mocking his stutter.

Henry is so obnoxious.

"Knock it off Bowers!" I shout.

They all look at me in surprise and the losers eyes widen in shock. I don't think anyone has ever stood up for them before.

"And why would I listen to you?" Henry asks dangerously.

"Just stop bullying them," I say, motioning the losers. "Don't you have anything else better to do?"

"What makes you think you can talk to me like that?"

"What makes you think you're above me?"

"Does she have a death wish?" I hear Stanley mutter.

"I think we need to put her in her place. What do you say boys?" They all smile threateningly and I gulp. I really did not think this through.

Henry walks up to me and I tense up, preparing for him to hit me. He looks at something behind me, then turns back to me and whispers, "This summer's gonna be a hurt train, for you and your new faggot friends" before walking away to Belch's car with his goons.

"That was so hot," Richie whispers, earning a few glances from his friends.

"Why did you do that?!" Stanley yells, "Are you trying to get killed?"

I shrug. "I don't know, Bowers is a jackass."

"W-what d-d-did he s-say to you?" Bill asks worried.

"He just said this summer's gonna be a hurt train for me and my new friends." I reply, purposefully leaving out part of it.

"You're so dead," Eddie declares.

"Is he really that dangerous?" I ask.

"Yes," they all reply at the same time.

"I'll protect you, hot stuff," Richie says smiling.

"Did you just call me hot stuff?"

Richie nods. "It's my new nickname for you."

"Ignore him." Stanley says, rolling his eyes.

"We're gonna go to the barrens tomorrow if you wanna join," Richie's says.

"The barrens? Why?" I ask confused.

"Who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" Richie responds sarcastically.

"We're gonna l-look for my b-b-brother." Bill answers.

"Is your brother one of the missing kids?" I ask sadly.

Bill nods.

"I'm sorry. That must be so hard for you."

"I m-m-miss him a lot."

"Why do you think he's at the barrens?"

"Th-the last place I saw him was by the s-sewers."

"I'd love to help you look for him. What time?"

"We're going to Eddie's house to get supplies at noon." Richie answers.

"Okay, where's his house?" I ask. Richie answers. "See you losers there," I say, walking away and heading home.

I don't have a bike like most kids and there's no way I'm riding the bus, so I always walk wherever I go. I like walking around though. It's peaceful and gives me time to think.

Once I get home, I enter my house as quietly as possible to keep my mom from noticing I'm home. I head up to my room and admire the many drawings on my wall. I spend most of my time in my room to avoid my mom, so I eventually took up drawing to pass the time. I like to think I've gotten pretty good, but I don't really know.

I don't know why I want to hang out with the losers, but I do. I've never really had any friends before. Everyone avoids me because I'm poor which will it'll their reputation apparently.

I drop my bag down and sit at my desk. I pull out a sheet of paper and began sketching a new drawing. It was of Richie, Eddie, Stanley, and Bill. I don't know why I decided to draw them. Maybe it's because they might be my first real friends.

The Trashmouth [Richie Tozier x Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt