6: The Diner

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I wake up the next morning feeling super happy. I actually have friends to hang out with this summer. I have an excuse to get out of the house and away from my mom. Maybe this summer won't be so bad.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen and see my mom pouring herself a drink, yet again.

"Oh, hey y/n. I've decided you should be punished for all the money I spent on schooling," my mom says casually.

Oh God. What is it this time?

"Okay..."I reply hesitantly.

"No food for 2 weeks." My jaw drops, is she trying to kill me?

"You've got to be kidding me!" I shout.

"Watch your mouth!"

"Sorry. Can I please go to the meadow and draw today?" I ask.

"Straight to the meadow and straight home. If I found out you went anywhere else, you're gonna regret it." She points at me for emphasis.

I gulp. "Yes, Mom." I head upstairs and grab my backpack and load it with drawing supplies. Of course, I wasn't actually going to the meadow to draw, but I have to make it believable.

"Bye Mom!" I say quickly walking out the door. I head over to the street corner where Richie dropped me off and wait for him. Right on time, Richie shows up on his bike smiling from ear to ear. He looks so cute today. Who am I kidding? He looks cute everyday.

"Helloooo," Richie says waving his hand in my face. "Is y/n in there?"

"Oh, h-hey." I snap out of my trance.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Nothing important."

"You're blushing."

"No, I'm not."

"I just hope it wasn't anything too dirty." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Shut up." I say seriously, hopping on the back of his bike.

"I didn't know you had dirty fantasies about me," Richie continues.

"It wasn't even dirty!"

"So it was a fantasy about me."

How do I even respond to that? He's right. I was totally imagining what it'd be like to kiss him, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna tell him that.

"Let's just go to the diner."

After a few minutes, we reach the diner. The sign says seat yourself so we sit in a booth across from each other.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask, noticing none of the other losers were here.

"They're not coming and never were actually." Richie says simply.

"So is this supposed to be a date, Tozier?"

"I mean, I would like it to be."

"Me too," I smile, and Richie's face lights up.

"What can I get for you kids today?" our waitress asks us.

"I'll have a vanilla milkshake," I reply.

"Make that one large vanilla milkshake with two straws," Richie says. The waitress smiles and walks away.

"What makes you think I wanna share a milkshake with you?" I ask.

"Don't pretend like you don't," Richie responds smirking. I roll my eyes.

"You're right, all I've ever wanted in life was to share a milkshake with THE Richie Tozier," I say in a dreamy voice.

"You should be nice to me considering I'm the one paying."

"I could pay if I wanted to."

Richie raises his eyebrows at me questioningly.

"You don't need to rub your richness in," I say.

"I'm kidding. I don't have any money either."

"Wait what?! How are we gonna pay?"

"We're not."

"Richie! That's illegal!"

"It's not like we're robbing a bank. How much does a milkshake cost anyway? 80 cents?"

"You're terrible."

"Don't girls like bad boys?"

"Oh, so you're a bad boy now?"

"The baddest." Richie says popping the collar of his Hawaiian shirt. We both burst out laughing and the waiter brings us our milkshake.

We sip the milkshake and find ourselves staring into each others eyes. It's like the rest of the world slips away and it's just us. Brown eyes may seem pain and boring, but they're more than that. Richie's eyes are the color of deep chocolate, with a mischievous glint that seems to reflect the corners of his mouth, which were fighting a smile. They are warm and sweet like chocolate, and when he looks at me and smiles, the creases frame them in perfect happiness. I could stare into his eyes forever. His cheeks and nose are dotted with the cutest freckles and his lips look so soft and kissable.

"Hey, hot stuff, are you okay?" Richie asks, concern etching his face.

"I'm great," I say with a smile.

"Is there something on my face?"


"Then why were you--" I cut him off my pressing my lips onto his, but I immediately pull away and sit back down and stare at my hands. Why did I just do that? What if I just ruined everything? What if he doesn't even like me like that? Why don't I have any self control?

"I'm sorry--" I start.

"Sorry? For what?" Richie interrupts.

"For just kissing you like that. I could've ruined everything." Richie gets up and sits next to me. "I didn't even think about if you wanted to kiss me and I--" This time Richie cuts me off by putting his hand on my cheek and kissing me. It was magical. It felt like sparks were flying just like in those cliche movies.

"I thought it was pretty obvious how much I wanted to kiss you, hot stuff," Richie says. "I mean, there's a lot more I'd like to do actually," Richie jokes, looking me up and down.

"Whoa, calm your hormones," I reply, laughing.

"We have a no PDA policy in this establishment," our waitress, who apparently teleported over here, tells us. Richie glares at her.

"I guess we'll just be leaving then," Richie says standing up.

"You need to pay first," the waitress declares. Richie grabs my hand and pulls me with him as he runs out the door.

"Hey! Hey! Stop them!" she shouts, but Richie and I are too fast. Before she makes it outside, we're already pedaling out of the parking lot.

"You kids get back here!" a man yells at us. Richie and I just laugh all the way to the quarry.


A/N-They finally kissed!!!

~word count: 1111~

The Trashmouth [Richie Tozier x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon