Chapter Three

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Over the next couple of days Archie started to get used to the repetitive motions of the hospital. Most of the day was spent in the dull common room with the other patients. There was quite time after 9:00 p.m. The patients were milling about, Archie among them. Nurse Betty looked around the room for the new patient. She was worried about him. Many times the patients would group themselves and any outsiders would be shunned. She wanted him to fit in. She spotted him in the crowd and walked over to him.

"Hi there! Have you met anyone yet?" Betty's sunny personality shined through and Archie couldn't help but think that the entire room brightened when she walked into it.

"I-" Archie started, but Betty cut him off by gently taking hold of his arm and excitedly pulling him towards another patient.

"C'mon!" Betty exclaimed setting her sights on Lola. Betty had been watching her closely and so far Kendra had yet to make an appearance. Sweet Lola would be a good choice for Archie's first friend here. Betty turned to Archie right before they met up with young brunette. "Lola can get a little- taxing at times," Betty whispered, "but you'll make quick friends. I just know it!" Eventually they reached her and Betty introduced them, "Archie, this is Lola. Lola, Archie."

The bubbly nurse then flounced off, leaving an uncomfortable Archie with a very friendly Lola. "Hey there!" She shot him a winning smile, "How are you fitting in so far? I know how difficult it is to adjust. I've been here for a few years, but everyone is just so kind." She said, meaning Betty. The other doctors and nurses were either indifferent or cruel, but no need to alarm the poor man. He was just getting settled.

"Yeah, they're all a real pleasure." He mumbled sarcastically.

"What was that?" Lola asked, not really caring. When Archie didn't immediately respond she continued. "Oh, whatever! I'm just so happy to have a new face around here. It gets so monotonous sometimes, so a change is always exciting!-"

Archie was sure that Lola had continued talking but he had tuned her out, in favor of Betty's conversation with a white haired gentleman that Archie guessed was a doctor.

"Dr. Rosenthal." Betty stated, getting the old man's attention.

"Ms. Jacobs." He replied.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." She said in a quiet voice. Dr. Rosenthal was a genius in his field, but he was not a nice man. He was rude and cruel and sometimes just plain mean.

"What is it this time?" Rosenthal was annoyed, she could tell that straight off, but he hadn't shut her down just yet.

"Some of the patients are getting physical injuries from their therapies, sir." She thought back to the scars on Red's back. "Are you sure these types of treatments are the best way to go? I mean, are there no other options?" she closed her eyes, praying that Rosenthal would be reasonable.

"Ms. Jacobs," He said calmly, "I assure you that these procedures are necessary for our wards' health. These therapies are keeping some of their worst symptoms at bay. You know as well as I do, that we don't want any one of our dear patients to be in pain, but sometimes with mental illnesses it takes a physical stimulus to keep their minds under control."

Betty sighed. She was going to have to push this. The patients did not deserve this type of treatment. She was positive that there were other ways. "But is it really necessary for them to have burns and bruises and cuts. Some of the patients come out of therapy still bleeding, some limping. A couple of times bones have been broken. Don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

Rosenthal's eyes visibly darkened and his breathing became heavy as he tried to control his anger. "I believe that I am the one that is qualified to make those decisions. You have no right to question me." His teeth were clenched in anger, but Betty was not willing to let this go so easily. She was determined to make the lives of her patients better.

"Dr. Rosenthal, sir." Betty said, her voice raising in response to his angry tone. "I have read up on these therapies and none of them- NONE- are as harsh as the ones I've seen administered here. I demand to see your research."

Rosenthal looked at the young nurse with malice. "You have overstepped your boundaries. I will not stand here and be insulted like this! I have had years of training in this department and no amount of "reading up" could ever compare to my schooling. I'll ignore this insolence just this once, but if you ever question my authority again, I will have you fired and no reference letters will be given." He stormed away leaving Betty alone, eyes widened in fear.

Archie quickly excused himself from Lola and made his way over to Betty. "What happened?"

Betty quickly put on a happy face and turned to Archie. "Nothing to concern your little head about." Archie could tell her smile was fake so he continued to push. It was time to begin his part in Red's plan.

"I heard what you said. About the therapies being too harsh?" Archie tested his words out and when Betty's face changed, he knew that he had spoken right.

"Oh?" Betty's eyes widened. She was embarrassed at being overheard.

"I agree with you." Archie said quickly. He could see that Betty was starting to retreat back into herself. He didn't blame her, after all she did think that he was crazy. She started to turn away. "I met a patient!" He said. She turned back towards him, momentarily interested in what he had to say, "I met a patient the other day who had awful burns on her forearms. They didn't even look like they had been treated.

Betty looked torn. "I- uh," She turned to leave again uncertainty in her eyes. "I shouldn't be speaking about this with you."

"Wait!" he called after her, "What if I told you that I could get you into Rosenthal's files?" Betty stopped and walked the short distance that she had managed to put between them.

"How?" She asked. Her face was the most serious that he had ever seen it.

Archie grabbed her hand, "Come with me." Betty and Archie walked out of the commons and into the same supply closet that Red and Veronica had pulled him into on that first day.

"Alright, this is what I know-"

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