Chapter Eleven

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Three hunched forms sat in Rosenthal's office. It was a sad and bleak room with bare walls, with the exception of a small, boring calendar, and few furnishings. The desk, usually the centerpiece of a professional setting, was plain and resembled a metal operating table. Nothing sat on top of it, no pictures or adornaments to even suggest that someone owned this office. A young woman spoke softly, afraid that if she asked this question too loud, her fears would turn to reality. "What if she told someone? Can you imagine what would happen if these people got out?" Nicole began rubbing her forehead, a habit she had developed for coping with stress.

"Calm down, sweetheart." Rosenthal stood and placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Ms. Meloni will take care of everything." He turned his head towards the old woman. She had yet to respond to his statement or make any indication that he had volunteered her for performing a miracle. "Right?"

Ms. Meloni, finally looked up to acknowledge the doctor. "I already have." She spoke calmly and confidently, as if he had just asked her something trivial, like killing a spider. "Don't worry your heads over it. Dr. Quinn is essentially disposed of. Just make sure you get your patients under control, Jim, and don't screw up again." The old woman stood. "Now that you will be instated as the head of Alexandria Manor, you will be under more scrutiny. Keep your nose clean and don't-." Her lecture was interrupted by a hard single knock on the door.

"Come in" Rosenthal called, causing the Meloni to find her seat again.

Debra stepped through the door and stood at attention. "That girl's sister is here." She announced. Immediately Rosenthal knew the guard meant Athena's older sister. He glanced over at the one thing that was deemed worthy enough to grace the walls in his office. It was Wednesday, of course the girl had shown up just as she had every Wednesday since her sister had been admitted. The man sighed.

"I'm rather busy as of now." He motioned to the two women sitting opposite of him. "Can you please show her to the usual room?"

Debra nodded and exited, closing the door softly behind her. As soon as the door was firmly shut, Mrs. Meloni flew to her feet.

"You're letting a patient meet with someone from the outside?!" Meloni knew this man was an idiot, but she had no idea that he was this incompetent. She couldn't believe what she had just seen happen.

Rosenthal could see his boss's anger, so he spoke quickly, hoping to calm her before any harm could come to him or his career. "The kid doesn't talk."

Nicole stepped in also, seeing her father struggle to explain his actions, "She's completely mute and has no means of communication. I don't think she has the ability to communicate at all anymore. She just sits there as her sister talks at her."

"She hasn't opened her mouth at all in the past 3 years. I'm positive she won't say anything this time either."

Meloni didn't look very convinced, "If you are sure-"

"I am." Rosenthal's face relaxed. He was in the clear with least for now.


Macy said a short prayer in her head. She always did this right before she walked into the visitors room at the hospital. The first time she had gone in, she had prayed for her sister's safety, however, as time went on, her prayers had changed in content. Now all she wished for was her sister's voice. she turned the handle and collected herself, preparing for an hour of silence. "Athena?" She called. Her sister was always there. She sat in the same place every Wednesday since she had been taken away to this awful place. Macy looked around the room. Was she really here alone this time? Even the chair she sat in was missing. Where in the hell could she be? She had known this is the time, place, and day they met. She let her eyes sweep the room once more.

There. Huddled in a corner was her sister. The gray of her uniform made the slight girl blend into the walls. "Oh, there you are. Why are you sitting way over there? Thena are you okay?" Macy walked over to her baby sister and laid a hand on her thin shoulder. The younger girl nodded. Macy let out a sigh of relief. Even if Athena wouldn't talk, Macy knew she wouldn't lie. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

Athena's intelligent eyes widened as she placed her finger in front of her lips as she nodded.

Macy smiled excitedly. Athena was going to talk to her. For the first time in three years, she was going to hear that sweet, bell-like voice. Macy waited a moment, but Athena still didn't make any move to speak. "Athena, please, can you talk to me?" Macy felt like she was begging, but if that's what it took to get her sister's voice back she would.

Athena's voice made quiet words. "You have to tell them."

Macy jerked in surprise, "D-did you say something?"

"You have to tell them." Athena repeated, her voice not as shaky and quiet as it was before. Macy marveled at the change in her sister's voice. She sounded older, more confident, and so much wiser than she had three years ago. She couldn't believe the command had really come from her darling little sister.

Macy recovered enough from her shock to repeat, "Tell them..."

"Yes, tell everyone." Athena guided.

"Tell everyone what? That you can talk again? I mean that's pretty amazing, but really only mom and dad would-" Athena placed her hand over Macy's babbling mouth.

"Tell everyone they aren't treating us right here. You have to tell everyone that this place is corrupt. Macy, please get me and all of my friends out of here. We have been put here unjustly. We aren't crazy. We are creative and smart or maybe we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But none of us deserve to be here. The government...Macy just help us get out of here. You have to trust me. I-we need your help." Athena's eyes begged her sister. Macy was their only chance. She knew all that went on in this hospital, even Red and Veronica couldn't imagine how deep this conspiracy went.

Slowly, Macy nodded as she began to understand. After all, the girl was smart. She had just never been a threat. Boys and friends had kept her busy enough that she had looked like the simple minded, breeding machine that common females were meant for. "How do I do this?" Macy asked, determination lacing her words.

"Find a common officer. Hint to them that Rosenthal is hiding something. Tell them to look in the basement and they'll have the biggest find of their career. Tell them that they will get promoted. Just don't let it get to a police chief. They know what Rosenthal and Meloni are doing here and they will not stop it. Just get us out and we will start a revolution."

Macy nodded to her sister and walked out the door, masking her face with a frustrated scowl, like she always wore after one of these visits. It was time to get her sister out of this place. 

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