Chapter Six

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Red and Veronica stood in a supply closet a few days later. This had become their common meeting spot over the past few months.

"How long has it been since they've been off their meds?" Red asked.

"Almost three weeks." veronica stated matter of factly. "It doesn't look like any of them are having withdrawals either, which is a plus for us. I've been watching them and I can see that Lola's dual personalities are evening out into minor mood swings. Delilah's "friends" are slowly fading away into memories and Phoebe isn't so frightened by everything. Her symptoms are beginning to look a bit more like anxiety than a severe fear now, which she may have actually had before coming here. I'm not so sure about Sandra. She's been crying a lot lately and I haven't got the chance to really talk to her but I'm guessing that she's stopped hallucinating and has finally realized her kids are gone. It's sad that it had to happen this way, but it's for the best."

Red hung her head and sighed. "So can we put the plan into action?"

"Not yet. I say wait a little longer." Veronica reasoned, clasping her hands together.

"Longer?" Red advanced on the taller woman. "Ronnie, you and I both know that the quicker we get out of this shit hole, the sooner we can fix this world. We both know that the longer society stays oppressed the harder it will be to change it! Ronnie, we are so close. I can almost taste it and you want to wait." Red chuckled darkly. "I don't want to wait any longer." Red turned suddenly and placed her hand on the door knob. She prepared to leave, but was stopped by a soft hand on her shoulder. The small woman turned to look up at her friend.

Veronica's eyes were determined. "Do you want it to work?" She pulled Red closer to look her dead in the eye. Noticing that her friend was looking anywhere but her face, she roughly grabbed the smaller woman's chin and held Red's face even with her own. "Look at me Red. Straight into my eyes. Do you want it to work?" Red pulled away, pissed off by her friends rudeness, but nevertheless nodded. She knew Veronica was right, but she was tired of playing the waiting game. They were entirely too close to their goal for her to just idely sit by and let others do her work. "That's what I thought."

Veronica nodded herself as Red left, slamming the door behind her. She hated waiting too, but she knew that the only way this crazy plan would work is if the timing was absolutely perfect. Red sometimes had a hard time understanding the importance of planning and timing. She was an opportunistic criminal. Brilliant, yes, but impulsive. Veronica smiled to herself. Yes, they would get out. It was only a matter of timing.


A young girl stood alone in the lobby of the hospital. She was pretty, long blond hair and a slight frame, a pleasant smile and a pleasing face. She stood patiently, completely at ease, although she quite obviously did not belong in the grungy hospital. After a few minutes a doctor appeared clothed in professional clothes and a lab coat.

"Welcome, Macy." Dr. Rosenthal called across the room. "It's good to see you again." He pasted on a smile, although he was not in the least happy to see her. He crossed the small space with large strides until he stood directly in front of the willowy child.

"You too Doctor." Macy replied. "Is Athena ready to see me?" She looked up hopefully. It had been a week since she last saw her sister and missed her greatly.

"Yes, she is. Right this way." He led her down a hallway with flickering lights. On of the doors lining the hallway burst open and a nurse rushed out.

"Dr. Rosenthal!" She gasped, trying to catch her breath. She clutched onto his arm, still breathing hard from her sprint to find the doctor.

"Yes?" Rosenthal raised his eyebrow, seemingly unconcerned.

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