Alexandra Christine Campbell

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I was currently 30,000 feet in the air, and about 4 and a half hours away from my best friend of 2 years. Jade Elizabeth Reynolds. We had met on twitter two years ago and we had only grown closer since then. And now I was finally meeting her. I've seen her before in pictures and from our numerous skype calls. She had fair skin and long brown hair with a few natural highlights on top. She had blue eyes and glasses.

• • •

"It is currently 7 pm in Los Angeles, CA. It is 67 degrees and partly cloudy. We will begin our departure into the Los Angeles area within the next 10 minutes." I heard the intercom say. I can't believe it, I'm finally going to be in California.
I couldn't be any more excited than I am now, but I also felt a little nervous. I'm so far away from my family on the east coast. What if something happened to one of my brothers or my parents? I tried ignoring my thoughts because I had realized we just landed.
I sat in my seat waiting for the passengers from the front of the plane to get their carry ons and leave the plane. After a few minutes of bags being pulled out of the overhead compartments, I was able to get my bag. I grabbed the black and white tribal backpack and made my way to the front of the plane.
"I hope you had a nice flight," the flight attendant, named June, said with a smile. I smiled back and stepped off the plane. I walked down the tunnel and came out of gate. I looked around the airport before I moved. Starbucks, a few small stores that I didn't recognize, and a sandwich place to my right and a few airline stores to my left. Then I saw what I had been looking for, the sign for baggage.
I continued walking, taking in my surroundings. I had finally made my way to the carousel which would have my luggage on it. I waited for a few minutes and the suitcases came piling down on to the conveyer belt. After a few suitcases fell, I saw my two bags. I grabbed the big blue suitcase and the smaller blue one as they came around to the side I was on. I made sure I hadn't forgotten anything before I started walking to the exit.
There she was, the girl I had been waiting to see all day long. Jade. She was a little taller than expected, but that might just be because I was a little short. I dropped my luggage and opened my arms wide for a hug. She hugged me and started laughing. At this point I was a mess, emotionally and physically. I was nervous and happy all at the same time. I put no effort into my outfit this morning with sweats, a superman hoodie, a grey beanie, and my solid black vans. Jade, on the other hand, had obviously gotten dressed as she normally would with an American flag muscle tee, ripped black skinnies, a black bandana, blue vans with stars on them, and a brown leather backpack.
"I can't believe you're here!" She exclaimed after our hug. "Me neither, it's been a long day, but I'm finally here in LA. It's beautiful," I said while admiring the palm trees around the building. "I'm glad you like it, since you'll be here for a while," she chuckled. We started walking to what I assumed was her car, a simple 2009 black jeep. I put my bags in the back and then got in the passenger side.
"So do you want to go anywhere or straight to my place? I can show you around tonight but if you're tired we can just watch movies or something and we can go tomorrow," Jade asked. I thought for a second, and ultimately decided I was too tired, and lazy for that matter, to do anything. "We can watch some movies and go tomorrow, I'm just tired. And hungry," I laughed. "We can stop at In-N-Out if you want?" She questioned, obviously hinting that would be a good choice. "Yeah sounds like a plan," I smiled. Then we drove away out of the airport.
I looked out the windows the whole drive to In-N-Out. This place was absolutely beautiful, besides the traffic. I was so excited to be living in California now. As soon as we pulled in to In-N-Out, my stomach starting grumbling. "Whoops, must be hungrier than I thought," I laughed looking at Jade. We both laughed as we pulled up to the menu. Reading all the food choices made my mouth water. "I suggest you get a double-double, fries, and a drink," Jade said. "Sure, why not. They don't have these where I live."

• • •

In-N-Out was better than I expected. I was just thinking it'd be your typical greasy fast-food place, like McDonalds. I was far from right. The drive from LA to Huntington was longer than I had wanted it to be, but Jade and I talked most of the way. We pulled up to her house, it was a two story golden tan home with a brick colored roof. It was nice, or at least nicer than my house. I would only be living with Jade until I found a place of my own, but I would enjoy every minute of it.
"Well this is it, it's not much-" she began to say before I cut her off, "not much?! You're crazy. It's great," I laughed. She laughed back and we pulled into to the garage.
I got out of the jeep and went to go get my bags, but ran into a tall middle aged man. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," I said looking up at him. "It's fine Alex, it's nice to meet you," he said whilst sticking out his hand. "I'm Jade's dad." I went to shake his hand, "nice to meet you to, I love your house," I said with a smile plastered on my face.
He grabbed my bags and walked in front of Jade and I until we stopped in front of a door. "Here's your room, it's right next to mine, and the bathroom is across from my room," Jade said to me as her dad left the room. I looked around, it was about the same size as my room at my house. There was one big window with cream colored curtains, a queen sized bed with a light blue comforter and pillows, and there was a dark mahogany dresser across from the bed with a large tv mounted above it.
Jade must have noticed I was tired by how I was walking and staring at the bed because the next thing I know she said "we can watch movies some other time, I think I'm going to go to my room and sleep. If you want to take a shower, you know where the bathroom is. Towels are under the sink." And then she walked out the room. I plopped myself on the bed, without taking my shoes off, and fell asleep.

with a smile like thatWhere stories live. Discover now