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okay, first off, sorry this is so late but last week I couldn't access comments and even then, I couldn't really do anything with this. And then last weekend when I finally got Internet back to work on this, I was wayyyy too tired to do anything since this was my first week back to school.


What is it about Peter that makes you so attracted to him?

I don't know, I guess it's because he's the first one to say that I'm like smart. Besides my family, but they don't count. And I mean, he doesn't look too terrible either.

Why is it always blondes in your head? Is there a specific story behind that?

Not really, I guess I just associate blondes with a type of perfection. Like Barbie and Ken dolls.

Have you ever broken someone's heart?

Not that I know of, but I could've broken one of my old flings hearts without even realizing it. But no, I've never been confronted about it so I don't really know.

Do you think you'll ever forgive Peter and let him back in?

Yes. I already know that because it's him, it's Peter, and I can't just say no to him. I can't just turn my back on him.


Do you think that after seeing Caden's true colors you've come to the realization of who he is and what you may have to do to lead a better, happier life?

I mean, yeah? I broke up with him and everything and I've known about who he really is for a while...he just never did anything wrong to anyone that I loved before so it was okay for a while.

Do you think you'll ever find someone else?

Well, I mean, I want to. I know I will, and I want to, but what knows?

Heeeey booboo how's life without Caden?

Better. Freeing. Honestly.

If you could go back and do things differently, what would you change?

I'd never go out with Caden. I'd never even meet him or talk to him because just fuck him honestly, fuck him.


Being as forgiving as you are, has there even been a line someone had crossed where you couldn't forgive them?

No, but Brinley and Finn say that I shouldn't forgive my mom because of everything she's done but I can't. She's my mother. I guess the closest thing like that is my dad but I still don't hate him or anything.

Are you gonna beat Peter's ass for breaking Finn's heart, or beat yourself up since you thought it was okay to have Finn forgive Peter knowing it wasn't gonna end well?

Myself. I mean, I'm not one for violence and I would never win against him, but God, I just - I thought I was doing the right thing. Finn always seemed so happy with Peter and I thought getting them back together was the right thing...

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