06. The Thrill of It All

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CHAPTER SIXthe thrill of it all !

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the thrill of it all !

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          It had been much more rough at school for Finn, seeing as Caden avoided him causing Tessa to do the same. He didn't care much about not seeing Caden, that was a blessing for the boy, but he still worried for Tessa. Really, he still wished he had tried harder to be her friend before this all happened but it was too late to change anything now and dwelling on the past was a dangerous game.

         But he had been dwelling on it. His thoughts consumed by it as he tried to exactly remember why in the first place he became Caden's friend. On surface level, there was no reason for him to befriend such a terrible guy, but maybe, back then, there was a reason. They became friends last year when Finn started high school. His parents, again, wanted him to go to Midtown for the highest of education, which didn't happen. Finn, though he would never admit it, was scared when he saw all the illegal things the people did and began to wonder if it would be better at Midtown, but then reasoned that it was high school so of course it was going to be the same at some extent.

         Caden had been in his English class and they sat beside each other. The boy was all jokes and Finn thought it best to entertain him because everyone saw how Caden was beginning to surround himself with dangerous students, with not only the stoners but the dealers themselves, and Finn didn't want to go to the hospital with something broken because he decided to be cold towards Caden. And with Caden came his new girlfriend Tessa, who was much sweeter at the time. Now...now everyone knew how much of a heartless bitch Tessa Cormac could be if you did something against her.

         The boy continued to invite him to parties and Finn, who still didn't want to upset him, went willingly. And there, there, he fell in love with the scene. Not the drinking, he had always had access to the liquor cabinet at home, or even the drugs because being high didn't do much for Finn, but the thrill. The thrill of it all was something that Finn adored, the adrenaline rushing through his veins as he sold drugs there. So he continued it even when he wasn't partying. He took up the 'job' and sold the drugs given to him and had acquired quite the profit.

         So their friendship continued. Finn didn't care enough to really become close with Caden, it was more of a work relationship than anything else, and Tessa was just the nuisance that followed him around.

         But it all came to a close when he was busted. One of his clients had been working with the police and they had caught him. It looked like he would be sent to juvie, but miraculously, he wasn't. All he had to do was mandatory community service and find himself a job. For the first three months, he had to get someone to sign a sheet of paper every time he came in and left to give to the guy monitoring him to make sure he still wasn't selling.

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