21. To Tell You the Truth

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CHAPTER TWENTY-ONEto tell you the truth !

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to tell you the truth !

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        "What the fuck?"

         Finn stared at Peter, completely frozen with wide eyes as he wrapped his mind over the confession that the boy had just told him. It seemed totally unbelievable, like the hated (and never actually used) excuse of 'my dog ate my homework'. Peter was looking at him with intent, trying to get the boy to believe him but Finn's eyes were just wide in shock.

         It couldn't be true. It absolutely couldn't be true. Peter had to be lying because Peter Parker – the nerd who went to school with his fucking cousin, who tutored him – could not be Spider-Man. He could not be the guy in the suit who tried webbing together a ferry boat and took down a master criminal only a week ago. No, Peter Parker was not that man. He wasn't. He couldn't be.

         Because Spider-Man would never waste his time tutoring someone he didn't even know, he wouldn't waste his time with someone like Finn. He wouldn't go into a fucking diner at ten o'clock at night probably just to see him. He wouldn't joke around with Finn and invite him to his house and ask to be his date to a fucking Homecoming dance. Spider-Man wouldn't do that. Spider-Man had so many more important things to do, like stopping robberies and muggings. He didn't have time to entertain a teenage boy's crush on him.

         And why would he waste his time on someone like Finn even if he had the time? Why would he spent it with someone who used to sell drugs, who should be in fucking juvie? Why would he hang out with a rich kid who worked at a fucking diner and preferred staying at his sister's apartment than his own fucking house? Why would he want to be friends with someone who's academic career might as well have been in flames and only had one friend who seriously needed to get out of her current relationship? Why would he fucking do that?

         No. Peter Parker wasn't Spider-Man because Spider-Man would never do those things, only regular people who lived regular lives would do those things. Peter Parker would do those things, he had, but Spider-Man wouldn't. He wouldn't. So he had to be lying. Peter had to be lying and giving an excuse in hopes of getting Finn to be his friend again. That had to be it. That was it.

         He was lying, this was all a lie and a ploy so that Finn would forgive him...right?

         But that also didn't make sense – none of this made sense! Peter didn't seem like the guy who claim such a thing just to win Finn's forgiveness. He was too kind to do that, he wasn't Caden Hayes or anything like that fucking asshole.

         So Finn stared at him with wide eyes and Peter didn't say anything, obviously surprised in himself for actually saying such a thing. Finn swallowed, blinking and unfreezing himself. "You're lying," Finn accused, "This – this is all a joke and you're fucking lying. This is just a story."

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