Chapter 24: Issues

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I woke up the next day around 9. Which was off for me because lately I have been waking up around 12. I don't know if it was because I had one of the best two days of my life yesterday or if it's because I went to bed around 8 last night.

But since I was up I went and took a shower and then changed into a purple sweater with a black tank top under it, then I put on some jeans with black shoes. Then I put on a heart necklace with a black bag.
Then I straightened my hair and put on some makeup.

After that I went and knocked on Devyn's door

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After that I went and knocked on Devyn's door. She answered with a, "Come In", so I went in and immediately jumped on her bed.

"What are you so happy about?", she asked with a big smile on her face.

"I don't know but I still don't know!"

"So how did it go with the boys yesterday?"

And that's when I told her about everything that happened and even showed her a few of their songs.

"So are you like another fangirl?"

"I guess."

"Well I was wandering? Is there anything that happened a couple days ago that you should tell me about?", Devyn asked giving me a weird look.

"No not that I know about."

"Well... ", she said while grabbing her laptop. "Then what is this?", she said pointing towards her computer screen.

It was Sam's new video about the abandoned zoo. But instead of the title being, "Abandoned Zoo with Friend", it said, "Exploring Abandoned Zoo with Girlfriend".

"OMG, why would he put that!?"

"Now would you tell me what's going on?"

"Devyn I promise this is all fake. We never started dating. What am I going to do, I mean it's done been seen by 1.4K people."

"Go tell him to change the name before more people see it."

"Okay." I said while marching literally out of her room and then running into Sam's.

"WHAT THE HELL, SAM!", I said while holding my phone to his face with the video on it.

"What are you so mad about?"

"Oh I don't know, but maybe its because you put girlfriend instead of just friend or best friend."

"Oh well, it's already posted."

All I could after that was run into my room and start packing a lot of my stuff. But before I could get it all packed I got a call from Zach.

Z: Emma
Z:Wait Emma are you crying
Z:Whats wrong
E: Nothing, nothing is wrong
Z: Something is wrong you never cry
E: Fine I will tell you everything but please don't tell the other boys
Z:Sure do you want to meet up somewhere
E:Yeah that would be best

Then I hung up after deciding a place. I packed the rest of my stuff or at least most of it. Then I ran downstairs with it and grabbed my keys and was out the door.

When I got in my car and was driving all I could think about was Sam using me for attention. All he wanted was me to date him so he could get more attention than me and Colby had. I mean I don't even know where Colby is anymore. Last time I saw him was when I brought the boys over and I think he left after that. I don't know why but I feel like he went home but he never mentioned it.

As soon as I got to Starbucks I went inside to find not just Zach but Corbyn and Jonah was there. And all I could think of is how the hell am I going to get out of this mess. When I walked up to them they all jumped up and gave me a hug.

Zach: What's wrong?
Then we all sat down at a table.
Me*whispers* Zach how could you tell them? I thought you said you wouldn't?
Zach:I'm sorry but they made me.
Jonah:So what's up? Why couldn't you tell us?
Me:Because I didn't really want to tell anyone but Mr. Zach here just had to know.
Corbyn:Well enough with the arguing, what happened?
They all sat closer to me.
Me:Well I never told you guys I used to date Colby and we broke up because he "accidently", cheated on me. Then Sam just used me for attention and for more followers. And now I have nowhere to go and I have no idea what to do with my life.
Then I started to cry but held it in.
Corbyn:So you have nowhere to go?
Me:No basically all my stuff is in my car and I plan on renting a hotel room tonight.
Zach:Why don't you just stay with us?
Me:Because I don't want you guys to think you have to do this.
Jonah:But we do and does anybody else know about this?
Jonah:Then it is settled your staying with us.
Jonah:No buts, now let's go.

Then Jonah grabbed my hand and pulled me to my car. Next thing I know Jonah was driving me back to there place and Corbyn was driving Zach. When we got there they grabbed my stuff and took it to an extra bedroom and started setting everything up. By the end of the day apparently I had been settled in and was downstairs watching a movie with all the boys and I can agree they were my new family.
⭐916 words⭐
Thanks for reading and enjoyed the story. Please comment some story ideas? Sorry anything that's wrong.
July 25,2018

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