Chapter 22: Meeting Kat & WDW

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It took about 20 minutes to get to Kats house. And as soon as I went inside I was showered with two hugs.

"Oh Hey!", I said kind of freaked out because there was another random people hugging me.

"Oh yeah sorry. Anyways, this is my other friend Franny. Franny this Emma.", she said as Franny shook my hand.

"So your the amazing photographer Kat keeps talking about."

"Well I wouldn't say amazing, but I am pretty good. Thank You for that, though."

After that we went into her kitchen and talked for about an hour before Franny left and it was just me and Kat.

"So what are we doing today?", I asked as Kat was cleaning up the kitchen a little bit.

"Well I have some other friends coming over later, that I want you to meet, but until then I guess we can go shopping or something."

"Sure, I guess but you need to know that I'm not that much into shopping."

"What!? Your not into shopping!"

"Nope not that much anymore."

"Why? I mean what kind of girl are you if you don't like to shop that much?"

"Ever since I was little me and my mom went shopping every Saturday, until my dad got sick and then we just stopped going. I mean I haven't been shopping for months, possibly even years. So now when I go it just reminds me of that time."

"Oh well I'm very sorry, Emma.", she said as she gave me a hug. "Then I guess we can go to the beach or out to eat, before they get here.", then she went back to cleaning.

"Wait they, I thought it was one person."

"Well it's more one group. Have you ever heard of Why Don't We?"

"No at least I don't think so?"

"Well you will know them, after today.",she said while putting things away and then grabbing her purse. "Well let's go enjoy a nice meal, since I didn't tell you to bring your suit."

Then I grabbed my things and went out and got in her car. She had a very nice car with its own speaker system in the trunk. So on the way to a vegan restaurant we jamed out to Drake's new album.
------------------------------------------------------------Time Skip

After we ate we drove around LA and then went back to her house to find a car sitting outside her house.

"Well I guess they decided to come a little early.", Kat said as she pulled into her drive way and got out.

As soon as they got out of the car Kat ran over and hugged all of them. Then they slowly walked up to me.

"Guys this is Emma. Emma this is Daniel, Jonah, Jack, Zach, and Corbyn.", she said while pointing them out.

After she introduced all of us we went into her house and sat around the living room talking about how music has changed our lives and other stuff.
-------------------------------------------------------------Time Skip to later that day

It was about 8 pm when we all started playing different games, that involved singing. I was so nervous to sing in front of them because I mean they have made it big in their career.
We decided to play the game where someone starts a song and you have to finish it.

It was mine turn so Zach sung some lyrics from the song, "Call Me Maybe".

Zach:I threw a wish in the well
Don't ask me I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell
And now you're in my way
I'd trade my soul for a wish
Pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this
But now you're in my way

Me:Your stare was holding
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going baby?

Everyone: Hey, I just met you and this is crazy
But here's my number, so call me maybe

"Man, guys this was fun and thanks for filming the video with me. Also I should probably start getting home."
(Idk if I said but this game was a video for Emma's channel)

"Aww well if your leaving then can we all get your number and instagram?", Zach asked.

"Sure!", I said as I started at Zach and ended at Corbyn giving them my snap chat, instagram, and my number.

Then after that I said bye and went out to my car, but as I was pulling out Corbyn and Zach ran out.

"Hey, Emma could we possibly hang at your place tonight?"

"Sure I guess the roommates wouldn't mind.", I said as Corbyn got in the front and Zach got in the back.

On the way home Corbyn plugged up his phone to the aux and started playing songs from their album. They weren't that bad, so I decided when I got home that I would download a couple of their songs.

⭐822 words⭐
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed! Sorry for anything that's wrong with this chapter.
Hint: Sam gets jealous in next chapter.
July 15, 2018

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