Is This A Date?

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Chapter 8

Is this a date?


When Eric turned down a little ally, I was surprised to see a cosy little cafe sat at the end, looking happy in the corner of the big town. It looked to be over a hundred years old, and you could see the work that must have been put in to build the small cottage looking cafe. However, from the look of the outside, you could see that it a homey kind of cafe; one that you would expect from back in the 1920’s.

Eric lead me into small cafe, leading me straight to the door that read ’kitchen’. The kitchen was very small, with old fashioned stone ovens and almost everything made from stone, with only a few new bits and pieces lying around that was new technology; but nothing younger than the 80’s.

Everyone rushed around the small kitchen, shouting for different kinds of ingredients that I had only slight hints of what meal they would be served in; only because one of the chefs that I worked with would kill me if I didn’t. However, when one of the chefs came running past, grabbing ingredients of every counter that he passed, passing them to others who where needing them, he looked at Eric and I, smiling then walking away.

I was surprised that he had just simply walked past us; if it was one of the chefs from our place, they would have shot us dead by now.

“Kiddo! What are you doing here?!” A tall man, about 6ft 3 walked over to us. He checked on the pot that was beside us that I hadn’t even noticed, and then patted Eric on the shoulder. “You know what, I don’t really care. Uniform is in the back, get your arse to work!” He laughed, moving back to the meal that he was cooking only seconds ago.

Eric laughed. “Hey Benny! Nice to see you too! Well I came here with my lovely new date, hoping to win her over with some lush food from my favourite chef in all of Durham. But you know; if he’s too busy for us, then I suppose we could always go to Subways across the street.” Eric smiled, sarcasm lacy every word he said.

I heard a few deep chuckles in the kitchen, and a girly laugh after the door opened and closed. I heard high heels walking over, then saw a gorgeous girl up to Eric, engulfing him in a hug. Her dark blonde hair swung in her ponytail, her deep blue eyes sparkling when she moved back and smiled at us.

“Hey. You must be Kyala! Eric has said so much about you!” She smiled, holding out her hand. I smiled and shook her hand; by which she pulled me close and hugged me tight. When she pulled back after a second or two, she had a huge smile on her face. “Sorry, but you looked like a good hugger, and also, Eric said that you were strong when you hugged, which is a nice change, so I had to try it out.” She laughed. “Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but it’s what I’m here for; hey guys.” There was a loud murmur of agreement, and she shouted.

“Anyway, ignore them. I’ll introduce myself seeming though he’s left you.” The girl nodded to where Eric had been only two seconds ago, by which I looked to find that he had left and was now cooking a meal for the customers outside. “I’m Christine.” The girl beside me said, getting my attention back. I smiled at her.

“Hey, I’m Kyala. But you already know that hey.” I smiled back, laughing slightly.

She nodded. “Yup; only because he wouldn’t shut up about the ‘fantastically sexy goddess’ that he met yesterday at the library.” She laughed, grabbing some of the food that they guys had set on the side. “Well, I have to go out and serve, and you are welcome to help, even though this is supposed to be your date, but like, yeah. Completely up to you what you do.” Christine laughed, and started to leave the kitchen, being replaced by more females that came in, said hi, and then quickly dashed back out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2012 ⏰

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