You'll Start Training Now Shailesh

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Shailesh Goswami was now part of this new friend group that wasn't always together as a whole, outside school it would often split into groups of two or three people, who would do separate activities with each other. These groups were all connected, and were together at school. Siddhant was now an official member of this larger group. Note that Siddhant was also part of this larger group, and had already been dumped by Bhavya, who used to be his slight girlfriend.

Well as for Shailesh, his subgroup was with Mohit and Praveen, Mohit as he was supposed to be the smallest and weakest weeks ago, and was now a hero. He was the new kid's personal defender, and thus Shailesh had chosen to hang out with him. Praveen, well he had chosen to support Shailesh, and Mohit was the one who told him this (he wouldn't have figured out on his own).

Shailesh was under protection now, and one more thing, he had to be taught to fight. This school is the rowdiest school you ever heard of, and most of the guys were in several fights in memory. Fighting here wasn't totally avoidable if you weren't an ass and had good enough talking skills, but that wasn't Shailesh.

Shailesh was meek ever since he had gotten into this school. His nature was bold, direct and assertive, something that was respected in his previous school, but this school was too scary for him, he had no ability to fight. Clearly in this school, having an opinion to assert means taking punches for it. The kids who had any kind of power or assertion ability over other kids were invariably bad-asses with stories of how they could take on tough goons armed with brass knuckles and chains barehanded and come out alive. Yeah their was more too it, but this part was clear enough.

Weeks of getting picked on had effects on Shailesh. For one, he was more alert and reactive. Better at responding physically to threats, though not good enough. He had once overheard someone say that new kids get these 'instincts' installed in them when they come to the school, and guessed that was what had happened to him.

Another effect of him being in this school was that he could recognize fight injuries, and what they meant. Near anyone could guess a fighter from a black eye or scarred knuckles, but he knew more. All sorts of fights took place in this school. Sissy slap fights, cuss word battles, mid-hallway fistfights, challenge fights with hidden blades, Brass knuckle and chain brawls, bar style brawls with chairs and plates, group fights both with and without weapons. The fighters were of all shapes and sizes and styles

These fights caused all sorts of injuries. He could tell from a bruise alone how old it was, and whether it was from fist, foot, chain, knuckleduster, or wooden stick. He knew the causes of cuts, whether they were from blades or excessively hard hits with blunt objects. He knew how the face and other non-hairy parts of the head had the most prominent bruises, though with the exception of those prepared and athletic, abdomen punches hurt more. He had seen first-hand how good an athletic person could be at withstanding hard blows to the abdomen, and started to wonder how he could get a stronger torso, especially when Siddhant taunted him with half assed gut punches, which would nevertheless cause him to keel over in pain as Siddhant laughed at his physical comedy.

Watching fights had made him attempt to try to get stronger. He would run laps and do squats and push-ups and all that, though he didn't know a thing about exercising, let alone nutrition. By now, he had the sense to ask for help. He was invited to a place by Mohit Nanda.

Mohit had invited him to a place on a trail in the forest a half kilometre away from the school. He had advised him the week before to save up his pocket money to buy possible auto tickets and the like, and it had worked. It was Friday afternoon. They were ditching school after the lunch break and had agreed to meet there. 100 yards down the trail, through dense forest, they wanted to test his will.

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