The Bully

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Common, but not too common, a new boy, named Shailesh Goswami, from the other DAV had started to attend this school. There were 2 DAV (Dayanand Anglo Vedic) schools in the area, one where most of the kids were very good academically and virtually never had any physical confrontations with each other. These kids from the first DAV were jokingly called 'flower kids' by the kids of the second DAV. Most of the kids in the second DAV would fight, hardcore brawl, over any kind of irritation or disagreement. The kids of the second DAV were seriously tough, but despite this, most of them weren't bullies. Most wouldn't repeatedly victimise the same people solely for dominance and intimidation. There was usually another reason. A dispute over pocket money or a girl, a kid doing what someone else doesn't like, someone saying things another guy doesn't like, revenge for misdeeds, or being defeated in previous fights. In the second DAV school the overwhelming majority of the kids were too tough and plucky to be bullied traditionally (victimised over and over by the same people). Even the wimpy cowards had tough friends who they would threaten beatings from if anyone threatened them, and repeated constant victimisation would lead to some huge nasty rumble where everyone would be hurt bad, totally undesirable though group fights, and even gang fights were actually pretty common.

Those who come from civilised areas where violence is well controlled in schools may be baffled by this culture of constant fighting. To them I would ask them to see delinquent school manga's or anime, I'd also ask them to keep in mind that in this school, getting suspended for fighting was the exception, not the norm. This school only cared that its top few students did really well and made them look good. Typical of the place it was in. The violence of the second DAV were mostly violent disagreements and grudges in this highly competitive place. Needless to say some people did find suitable victims for traditional, stereotypical bullying. It was like finding wood suitable for a bow and arrows on a small windy island. A bully from this school would be like any other, a wimpy guy for his size that's not even that strong or skilled (neither physically nor socially), acting all tough and intimidating to the few that happened to be in an even weaker position. Like any kid here, a bully from this school would be better skilled at fighting, as there were literally thousands of fights every year in this school, and anyone with not that high grades, an opinion and male gentillia would get into some fights. If you have the other set of private parts and aren't particularly ugly, you'll get to watch people fight over you, and if you get really good grades people would fight over who gets to copy your papers. If none of the above apply to you, you got all the others fights to watch and learn from them, not one person there was unfamiliar with fights.

I know this was bound to happen at some point or the other, it probably happened many times, a kid from the studious flower kids DAV to the tough guys delinquent house DAV. This kid was no nerd, if he was he could easily avoid bullying and physical confrontations by the fact that all the short-tempered people relied on nerds to let them cheat on tests, and all the nerds helped each other out. This guy, as hard as he tried, was still an average student in most subjects. One guy called Siddhant Chowdary took advantage of his softness and mocked him, to see his reaction. To Siddhant's great amusement his reaction was scared and whiney. The next time they passed he grabbed his collar, and laughed out loud when Shailesh simply screamed in his face. Any normal guy would have tried to beat and/or blackmail him. This was hilarious! Thus, Siddhant got hooked to harrasing the new kid. It quickly escalated to all out bullying, the classic kind.
Siddhant never needed help in physically harassing this softy. He himself was a sorta below average fighter in this school, but this school is tough. Even average fighters from here would transfer to normal schools and quickly enter the top 5 brawlers. Shailesh was a far worse than average fighter, even in an aforthmentioned average school. He didn't even have the weapon of threatening to beat up this guy with his tough brawler friends, cause unlike the other wimpy cowards. This guy was way too distrusting of the people here to make friends even with the people that offered him just that.

DAV BSEB's 2000 secondary school students were mostly divided into six factions that together ruled nearly the whole school. My college roommate, Kirti Kishore was in the Kumar faction, formally known as Kumar bhaya's people. As it was started by the 6 Kumar brothers years ago. Now all but 2 of the Kumar's had graduated, and most of the higher positions had been taken over by their juniors. The Kumar's were the sons of this controversial police chief, and in ruling they furthered his ideas.
Kirti lead a small band of mostly small people, he himself was mesomorphic, the body of an out of shape comic book Wolverine. He was good at calming down over-aggressive people. Though not your first choice to do so, as he was quite negligent and liked a good fight himself. His friends were skilled at fighting with speed, agility and tactics, and thus were hardly ever bullied, but story after story would pop up off a small kid like one of them getting bullied in this school or some other. They didn't want such a blatant bully operating so close to them. Not one that harrased a helpless person with no real motivation. Thus they decided that the bully would have to be defeated. Simply losing a fight wouldn't be enough, Siddhant Chowdary lost most of the fights he partook in anyway, he would have to be shocked, so shocked that he would never harass the flower kid again, and preferably fight for greater causes than bullying.

The plan was formed, the bully would lose the fight right when a lot of people were watching, and he would be beaten in a way that would make him look totally helpless, by none other than the weakest kid in the entire school, Mohit Nanda, who happened to be a member of Kirti's group. Getting to the bully's class would be easy enough, the chaos between classes was so high that no one would notice or care about a scrawny kid walking over to the class next to his, but the method of defeating the bully, that was all up to the skinny kid to decide. In fact, the faction agreed to hand over the whole case to the skinny boy.

The skinny Mohit decided, it was 3 days until he felt that the time was just right, he walked past the bully's class, he was there, just sitting on his desk, not talking to anyone, maybe he was drawing in his notebook, it was hard to see from the doorway, but as he entered the class, he saw he wasn't doing that either, the chaos of a free period gave him great cover, he easily walked up to a place right behind the bully, and when he happened to be bending down to his water bottle, he pounced on him and punched him on the back of his head with all his might. Before he could recover, he hit him again, on the temple, then the crown, neck, ear, nose landing successive punches as hard and fast as he could on every part of the bully's head as he held on to him, the bully had no time to recover, was unprepared for the ferociousness of the weaklings attacks, and after being struck on the head a multitude of times on the head in front of his own class, he gave up. Lost was a grave understatement, he was defeated.

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