Interrogations, and other Immediate Consequences

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Pankaj and the bully had lost, and the other side (just others as far as Pankaj was concerned, according to bully they were somewhat more) had won. Besides the police complaint on the other side. Bully's side had its own issues. The bully had a minor concussion that he took a few days to heal from. Pankaj was teased for being scared out of his fight by being lifted into the air. People in the school may take damage for being body slammed on the ground, but they don't get scared into stopping just from the fear of it, not the honourable ones anyway. As the bully was recovering from his concussion his friends were told his side of the story. The bully had to tell the cold truth, as too many people had seen the fight for him to exaggerate it, any rumours he perpetrated that he was tougher than he actually was were shattered, though it was quite remarkable that people believed them anyway, everyone knew he was a relatively poor fighter, but you could say the bully was good at manipulating people, he knew how to lean people's opinions to him being tougher than he actually was. Whatever his skills at manipulation were, the notions on his physical prowess were gone. Still, the bully had one part of the fight he could call unfair, the end. Though bully himself didn't clearly remember the end of his fight, there was enough to suggest that someone who shouldn't have been involved had intentionally greased his ground, and though the question of the spill being intentionally for the fight or not was something neither the bully, nor his friends knew for sure, but the bully had sure enough confirmed the idea that the other side cheated, despite that he didn't recall it clearly enough to be sure himself, he ensured that he sounded very sure of it when he told his friends and anyone else that asked. "I can't even remember the last part clearly, but I am sure they cheated, I know it", he'd say. "They greased the ground on purpose". That was what he told everyone. The greased instead of wetted was his own idea, it implied that the concussion he got was so severe that he couldn't even remember if he slipped on water or oil. The implication that it was oil, despite him admitting to not clearly remembering his fall, was so that it was suggest that the spill was not just deliberate, but pre-planned. Plotted in advance as he believed that would make the other party look eviller while still being believable in the context.

The bully's friends started to look for who spilled the water, and lucky for them, the guy who did it was this brag mouth with a large ego, he proudly boasted to squirting his water right onto the floor the bully was standing on when he lost, assisting his slippage and making it far easier for Twig to shove him to the ground on the back of his head. This confession, combined with the guys proud boastful tone, broke the temper of the guy who was asking him, and resulted in a fight between him and the guy asking. Kartik, the guy that the spill boy Ishaant had boated to, was much stronger than Ishaant and very sturdy, yet agile and calculated in his movements. Like a marine he subdued Ishaant in half a minute as the bully and friends surrounded them for the dual purpose of intimidating him and driving away anyone who may step in to help. Then they started asking Ishaant questions.

"Why did you put oil on the floor, do you know it can hurt people", he pressed as he held him off the ground in a most uncomfortable position, suspended in the air by the two strong hands that clasped his neck. Ishaant dropped his attitude "I didn't want the bully to win", he said in a nervous, but not faltering tone. Kartik widened his eyes and directed his steel gaze directly into the guys nervous eyes, he could see that they feared injury, but surely weren't lying, especially considering the context. "Don't you know that this fight was only between them four, and no one else was supposed to interfere. It was very unfortunate that we had to include 4 people instead of two, and you saw how many people were trying to stop outside help", his rage escalated as he spoke, he continued, "Did you know what you did is not allowed", he shouted into the boy's face.

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