56. A Korean Odyssey (2017)

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A Korean Odyssey

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A Korean Odyssey

Country: South Korea

Genre: Horror, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy

Episodes: 20

Aired: Dec 23, 2017 - Mar 4, 2018

Network: tvN

Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.


          In 2017, Son Oh Gong (Lee Seung Gi) and Ma Wang (Cha Seung Won) are in conflict with each other as they look for a true light in a dark world where evil thrives. Having made a contract with Jin Seon Mi (Oh Yeon Seo) 25 years ago, entitling her to seek help from Son Oh Gong whenever she calls him in exchange for letting him free, the two meet again in a fateful encounter. From there, Son Oh Gong is bound to his protective role towards Seon Mi, the little girl he had met years ago.  


Lee Seung Gi

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Lee Seung Gi

Son Oh Gong

Cha Seung Won

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Cha Seung Won

Ma Wang / Woo Hwi Chul

Ma Wang / Woo Hwi Chul

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Oh Yeon Seo

Jin Seon Mi


by KimWanHee of mydramalist

"Let me try to describe A Korean Odyssey in a few short words: It's like a fantasy movie in 20 episodes with a lot of cool and stunning scenes, some great and some crappy CGI and an awkward chemistry between the leads. But it's cool. 

Story: The story is actually not as bad as some people say. I loved the story premise, it's different from what you usually get from Korean dramas. It has a lot of backstory but they managed to give it to you bit by bit and not make you bored or hate the overall story. Sure, sometimes the script wasn't the best but the story premise is great!

Acting/Cast/Characters: The acting was definitely great from all the actors and actresses. The chemistry between MaWang and Son Oh Gong, the "bromance", is really enjoyable and brings like 50% of the comedy in the show. Cha Seung Won shined in this drama with the many characteristics MaWang showed and I think it's a great comeback drama for Lee SeungGi. So big compliments to all the main and the supporting actors for showing us so many sides to their characters.

So now to the bad part: The chemistry between LSG and Oh Yeon Seo was well...not good...kinda cold and if this was a normal rom-com I would never have watched 20 episodes with them, definitely not. That's not the fault of OYS though, it was just that her character was really crappy...I mean there has to be a limit to how naive, self-centered and gullible a person can be?! Jin Seon Mi -the character- is the only reason I'm taking some points off here.

Music: The music fit the drama well and I looked up almost all of the songs.

Rewatch: Some scenes definitely but probably not the whole drama...

Overall: Overall this drama had like one main character, Lee Seung Gi and all the others were supporting characters. The drama has a great premise but while it starts off kind of unusual for a Kdrama it turns around at like halftime and goes right into dramaland, which makes it a little bit more boring in the end but bearable. The acting was amazing, character design awesome (except for one) and another thing: it's oh so detailed. I loved it and I would warmly recommend it but let me tell you, if you don't like it after 5-6 episodes drop it. Before that you won't get the right feeling for it and after that you're either into it or you're not."

Reviewer's Rating: 9.0

My Rating: 9.0

Mydramalist Rating: 8.4

Asianwiki Rating: 8.9

You can comment your own rating and justify why you gave that rating if you want :)

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