The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 3

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A few weeks passed by faster than Apollo's sun chariot. I had adjusted to school enough to the point where I was tolerant of the yellow uniform. My grades weren't the best, mostly B's and C's, but thankfully, I didn't have a scholarship like Haruhi. Dad had paid for my entrance to Ouran, meaning, I didn't need to work my ass off to be the highest in the class.

Through out the whole day in school, I tried to stay awake, but it seemed fatigue was wearing me down.

For the past few days, I've been staying up late getting rid of all the monsters that appeared, only sleeping for about five hours. It was beginning to take a toll on me, especially with the sneaking out I kept doing.

"Hey Kotoko-chan, you okay?" Kaoru asked. I glanced at him with blank eyes.

I must have looked horrible with dark bags under my eyes and disheveled hair. "Hm? Oh, yeah. Perfect. Just tired." A yawn escaped me and I struggled to open my eyes.

"You should have stayed home." Haruhi scolded. I waved her off.

"And leave you at the hands of these people? No way."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" The twins pouted at me.

"Nothing..." I grinned.

~~~~{Line Break}~~~~

I dragged my feet all the way to the club room. Nothing had really happened today, just a few teachers getting mad at me for falling asleep. 

Opening the door, I ignored all the decorations I normally would have gaped at.

"Is Koto-chan okay?" I heard Honey whisper.

"Haruhi says she's just tired from not sleeping." Hikaru replied.

Walking over to a random couch, I looked at the hosts. "I'ma' take a nap." Then I promptly fell forward onto the soft cushions.

They blinked at my unconscious form.

"Come on now people, let's get moving. We have much to do before the ladies arrive." Kyoya stated, pushing up his glasses.


From where I stood, I could see Percy standing in front of Luke-no, that wasn't him. I mean it was him, but his eyes were pure gold. Kronos.

Lu-Kronos was glaring at the two giants that held Beckendorf in their arms. I gasped at his state. He had a swollen eye and cuts all over his face and arms.

"And did you perhaps, send someone to actually CHECK THE ENGINE ROOM?!"

Shivers went down my back at the sound of his voice. It sounded like nails running across a chalk board.

The Demigod that was next to the giants, scrambled back in fear and ran to check the engine room. Percy met Beckendorf's eyes and they had a silent conversation, Beckendorf forming a zero with his hand.

Kronos then turned to Percy. "You'll have to excuse my incompetent help, Percy Jackson. But it doesn't matter. We have you now. We've known you were coming for weeks." A spy in the camp?! Kronos held out his hand and a silver bracelet hung between his fingers, a scythe charm on it, his symbol.

"Communication device..." Percy muttered. "Spy at camp."

"You can't count on friends. They will always let you down. Luke learned that lesson the hard way. Now drop your sword and surrender or your friend dies."

Percy looked conflicted and Beckendorf mouthed "Go." at him.

He shook his head and stayed in his spot.

The Japanese Demigod-A Percy Jackson and Ouran crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now