The Japanese Demigod-Chapter 5

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Okay, so there is no actual evidence stating that Michael Yew (an Apollo child) is Asian or not. So, I will also make him Asian to help the story. 

I own nothing except Kotoko and the story line!

Note, "This means they are talking in Greek."

Beta: ehcorns (from other site)

I sighed as I went over the math homework for today. The numbers and letters jumped off the page and spun in a mocking way. Putting the paper down, I rubbed my eyes. I don't know why I even try. Math will always be my least favorite subject.

Looking around from the table I was sitting at, I watched everyone doing their hosting activities.

Hikaru and Kaoru were centimeters away from kissing, to which their guests fainted; Tamaki was spewing sweet nothings, Kyoya was manipulating ladies into buying crap, Haruhi was talking with her guests, and Honey and Takashi were eating cake. Well, Honey was.

Deciding cake was more important the math, I got up and went over to Honey's table. Some of the girls briefly glared at, but were still polite.

"Hi, Koto-chan!" Honey beamed. I smiled back and took a seat next to Takashi.

"Hi, Honey. Mind sharing a slice of cake?" I asked.

Shaking his head, he happily cut a slice and gave it to me.

Takashi took it upon himself to serve me a hot cup of coffee. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." I liked hearing his voice. It was deep and smooth, and I could listen to it all day-wait, what?! Where did that come from?

To stifle anymore of those thoughts, I shoved a big piece of cake in my mouth.

Luckily, Honey distracted me before I think of anything else.

"Ne, Koto-chan, do you want to spar with me?"

"You know how to fight?" He didn't seem like the type.

"Don't you know?" One of the girls started, "Honey is the national champion in both karate and judo!"

"You're kidding!" I gasped. The squirt was the national champion?!

"So do you, Koto-chan?" He blinked in such an innocent way; I had to do a double take.

"Haha...only if you don't kill me..." I nervously laughed.

"You're funny! I won't hurt you that much!" That doesn't make me feel better!

"He's joking." I jumped when I heard Takashi's voice in my ear. I could feel the vibrations from his voice in my ear, making me shiver a bit.

I nodded at him, turning away to hide my flushed face. What's wrong with me?

"So Kotoko, why did you come so late in the year?" Another girl asked. I think her name was Ayame?

"Um, well, I thought it would be good to visit Haruhi, after not seeing him for so long."

"Then why not visit him before?"

"There problems going on at the time."

"How was Haruhi as a child?" One of Haruhi's guests came over, after hearing the subject of our conversation.

I thought for a moment. "He was honest about everything. And a momma's boy."

"What about you, Kotoko?"

Haruhi came over and answered for me. "She was so hyper and loved wearing pink. Her biggest weakness were cats and she used to act like Honey-senpai."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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