Arriving Home

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   After the long day Asher and I had, I needed some rest. The door opened with a couple squeals. Asher offered to make me a snack, although we just ate about 25 minutes ago. I told him that I was good and that I would see him the next day.
  After Asher left, I went straight to my room. My walls now hung with beautiful pictures that Asher thought fit me. There were pictures of me as a little girl with Jeremy. Pictures of my dad. My grandfather. My grandmother. Aunt. Uncle. Cousins. He found pictures of the ocean and plastered them on my now light blue walls. He found some old art projects of mine and hung them in a most extraordinary way. He wanted me to feel at home. He changed my bed sheets and pillows out for a beautiful blue. The lights above my bed were seashells. He seems to have figured out I love water. I love the ocean. He figured me out quicker than Olly did. Although Olly is the one who took me to the beach for the first time.

  And it's happening again. I am obsessing over my dream come true and rebellious crush. When was this cycle going to end? Maybe I just take Olly. After all, I have known him longer. Yet Asher has been there for me since day one. Not only that he practically saved my life. Well, he did save my life. But Asher doesn't deserve me! It's actually the other way around. I don't deserve Asher. I deserve someone of equal caliber to the moon and stars that sat on my bed. Yes, I referenced myself as the moon and stars. But what can I say? The Moon and stars have had my attention since birth. Born under a bright sky in the middle of the night. I am getting sidetracked. The point being, Olly is more like me. Though, Asher made me believe in God. Honestly how do I know there even is a God? I only believed in any sort of miracles because Asher came along. Now it's all being ripped away by my unnerving butterflies for Olly. They swarm in my stomach by the sight and smell of him. His cologne always smelled amazing. Like the typical bad boy amazing. No way to describe it in words other than perfect. Perfect. A word I once used to describe my Prince Charming that lay awake with me several nights in a hospital room. Perfect a word I invented in my mind to mean beyond expectations. I was ready to be with Olly. I still loved Asher and knew I couldn't do that to him. So what do I do?

  Just as I asked myseld that question a text message came though on my phone.

Olly: Hey princess. You up for a little danger tonight? Just you, me and the stars.

Valerie Jones || #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now