Beyond a play

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The play was beautiful. Jeremy did amazing. What can't that kid do? Asher decided to wait for me while I went to go congratulate Jeremy.
"So sis, you really liked it?"
"Yes! I normally hate theatre and musicals but that was so great Jeremy."
"Thanks Val. So by the way, whose your new boyfriend?"
"Oh Asher? We aren't dating. We are fake married for a stupid English report."
Jeremy looks at me and chuckles. I smile and giggle a little bit.
"He looks like we wants to get going Val."
"Come on Jer, we have some time."
"Go Val. I have to wait for Mom and Dad to get back from the dressing room. Their passing out strawberries."
We both laugh.
I walk back over to Asher. We chat a but then leave the theatre. His jeep seats are almost more comfortable than the theatre seats. Asher seems very tired. I don't blame him. I am dying of irritability and tiredness.
"Your brother did really good."
"Thanks Ash."
Those were the last few words said before we arrived back at my house.
"Thanks for driving me everywhere."
"No problem Valerie."
We both just sat there not knowing what to do. I wanted to get out but I wanted to keep a conversation with Ash. I decided after 3 minutes of ling silence to invite him inside.
"Would you want to come inside?"
"Valerie that would be great. Thanks."
"We should probably go inside."
"Yea." Asher says with his cute smile.
I open the doors to my house and I go get him some Jeremy's pjs. I went in my bedroom to get ready for bed and when I came out he was praying.
It was sweet and too the point. I show him the guest bedroom and he messaged his mom telling her he would spend the night at my house.
"Thanks Val so much for letting me stay the night."
"Well I can't have you drive around 10% awake can I?" I say jockingly.
"Hey! I saw it. Your smile. It's really pretty and nice to see you wearing it."
I don't know what happened. Our eyes locked and I had these butterflies in my stomach.
No it can't be. I can't have a crush on Asher. This can't be happening. First he breaks down my wall, then I smile, now butterflies! Geez what's next? A kiss and long walk in the park? Uh huh. Yea no. Not happening. Maybe. Ugh my emotions are all over the place. So many thoughts race through my mind. Asher leans forward slightly and I do the same. We keep our eyes locked on the other's. Like a romantic staring contest. Asher finally leans in and kisses my lips. I didn't feel the urge to pull away. I let him kiss me. Hell I kissed back. I just let go. Our lips broke and we just stared at each other.
"I should get to bed."
"Yea. Umm... me too." Ash says nervously. Like a happy nervous. It was adorable.
"Night." We say at the same time.
What happened to me? This morning I hated the idea of being his "wife" and now I am kissing him less than a day later. I think I love Asher Smith. But, how could that be?

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