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  The cool air of the morning mist clung at my skin as I walked out the front door. Asher outside to greet me with his good boy smile and jeep. Every part of him was perfect. Every hair in place. He was my dream come true.

  We talked and laughed while we waited for Jeremy. The music blared and our voices carried with it. Unexpectedly, Asher grabbed my hands and was dancing with me.

  My feet moved to every beat and I actually enjoyed it. I didn't want this moment to end. Jeremy came outside and hoped inside. We had been so busy in each other, we didn't notice Jeremy jumped inside the car already. Today was a big day. Today we handed in our reports.

*fast forward/bell rings*

  Asher and I made our way to class. Hand in hand. Side by side. The classroom looked... diffrent. The seats were just that. Seats. No desks. The projector was ready to go. It was lit up on the screen just in front of it. Lucky us, we got there first which means better seats. Mrs. Taylor's does everything in a professional manner. But she is the best teacher here at this crappy school.

  The students poured into the classroom one by one. They each took a seat leaving the class more filled and much louder.
Once everyone was settled in, Mrs. Taylor's went over the procedures. This took about 15 minutes. Questions and answers spewed about the classroom. It was quite annoying already. She went alphabetically which didn't leave much time for me and Asher to prepare. We were the 9th couple to present. We were going to do okay. At least that's what I hoped.

  Nick and Missy finished their project with a kiss. Extra much? Mrs. Taylor's scanned the room for Asher and I. Then she called our names. This is what I dreaded the most. Asher had a full drawn out report of what he thought me before this project started vs now. Honesty I didn't hear a word. I zoned out. I was to busy watching him be perfect. Creepy? Oops. Sorry. He gave me a look that suggested that he was ready for me to go next. I picked my paper up from the cool-toned wood table in front of me. I look at the first line and started reading...

"  There are many things you can learn from someone else's life. More specifically how they choose to handle their lives. Between school and extracurriculars. This month, I was assigned to be Asher's "wife". This month I learned a lot about miracles and the grace of god. Being partners with Asher changed me completely. From a very angry and sarcastic person. To the loving and happy girl you see before you today. I went on a journey of crazy fun and sometimes I hit some high lows. But stepping into someone else's shoes can really prove vital to everyday life. It taught me not to judge based on first appearance and to discover what lies beneath the surface...."

Fast forward

  "... Asher is actually much more than just religious, he is human. He has feelings and no matter what we believe it do, we should except everyone for who they are. Being Catholic is no exception to that. I give him much credit for walking around and feeling confident enough to talk about his religion. Just as I would give everyone in here credit for being nice to me when knowing how I was. Just goes to show that times are changing and if we could teach our new generations the same generosity, then this project would have served it's purpose."

  Everyone clapped and smiled. We're they actually listening? I can't tell. But my teacher seemed to enjoy our report. What could I say? I got paired with the best person in the class. But what would my experience have been like with someone else? Would they still have care for me just as much as Asher did? Guess I will never know.

  When everyone finished their reports, Mrs. Taylor's directs us to a table with beverages and food. I walked over there and left Asher to talk to Nick and Missy. I reached for the cups when I found another hand on top of mine. I look up to see Oliver. I had a crush on him since 4th grade and even kissed him on his 12th birthday.
"Hey V."
"Ugh... hey."
"How are you?"
"I am ugh I am... goo-" I was cut off by Asher who was calling me.

"I got to go Oliver. Talk to you later?"
"Yea. Sure."

  Now what do I do?

Valerie Jones || #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now